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HistoryFeb 27, 2004 - 12:00 a.m.

linux-kernel-2.4.19-mips - several vulnerabilities






Several local root exploits have been discovered recently in the Linux
kernel. This security advisory updates the mips kernel 2.4.19 for
Debian GNU/Linux. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project
identifies the following problems that are fixed with this update:

An integer overflow in brk() system call (do_brk() function) for
Linux allows a local attacker to gain root privileges. Fixed
upstream in Linux 2.4.23.

Paul Starzetz discovered
a flaw in bounds checking in mremap() in
the Linux kernel (present in version 2.4.x and 2.6.x) which may
allow a local attacker to gain root privileges. Version 2.2 is not
affected by this bug. Fixed upstream in Linux 2.4.24.

Paul Starzetz and Wojciech Purczynski of discovered a
critical security vulnerability in the memory management code of
Linux inside the mremap(2) system call. Due to missing function
return value check of internal functions a local attacker can gain
root privileges. Fixed upstream in Linux 2.4.25 and 2.6.3.

For the stable distribution (woody) these problems have been fixed in
version 2.4.19-0.020911.1.woody3 of mips images and version
2.4.19-4.woody1 of kernel source.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem will be fixed soon
with the next upload of a 2.4.19 kernel image and in version
2.4.22-0.030928.3 for 2.4.22.

We recommend that you upgrade your Linux kernel packages immediately.

Vulnerability matrix for CAN-2004-0077