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HistoryOct 20, 2005 - 12:00 a.m.

mozilla - several






Several security-related problems have been discovered in Mozilla and
derived programs. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project
identifies the following problems:

  • CAN-2005-2871
    Tom Ferris discovered a bug in the IDN hostname handling of
    Mozilla that allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service
    and possibly execute arbitrary code via a hostname with dashes.
  • CAN-2005-2701
    A buffer overflow allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary
    code via an XBM image file that ends in a large number of spaces
    instead of the expected end tag.
  • CAN-2005-2702
    Mats Palmgren discovered a buffer overflow in the Unicode string
    parser that allows a specially crafted Unicode sequence to
    overflow a buffer and cause arbitrary code to be executed.
  • CAN-2005-2703
    Remote attackers could spoof HTTP headers of XML HTTP requests
    via XMLHttpRequest and possibly use the client to exploit
    vulnerabilities in servers or proxies.
  • CAN-2005-2704
    Remote attackers could spoof DOM objects via an XBL control that
    implements an internal XPCOM interface.
  • CAN-2005-2705
    Georgi Guninski discovered an integer overflow in the JavaScript
    engine that might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary
  • CAN-2005-2706
    Remote attackers could execute Javascript code with chrome
    privileges via an about: page such as about:mozilla.
  • CAN-2005-2707
    Remote attackers could spawn windows without user interface
    components such as the address and status bar that could be used
    to conduct spoofing or phishing attacks.
  • CAN-2005-2968
    Peter Zelezny discovered that shell metacharacters are not
    properly escaped when they are passed to a shell script and allow
    the execution of arbitrary commands, e.g. when a malicious URL is
    automatically copied from another program into Mozilla as default

For the stable distribution (sarge) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.7.8-1sarge3.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.7.12-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your mozilla package.