Lucene search

HistoryJan 06, 2022 - 2:26 a.m.

linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-hwe, linux-azure-4.15, linux-dell300x, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-4.15, linux-hwe, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-raspi2, linux-snapdragon vulnerabilities


7 High

AI Score



0.001 Low




Nadav Amit discovered that the hugetlb implementation in the Linux kernel
did not perform TLB flushes under certain conditions. A local attacker
could use this to leak or alter data from other processes that use huge
pages. (CVE-2021-4002)

It was discovered that a race condition existed in the timer implementation
in the Linux kernel. A privileged attacker could use this to cause a denial
of service. (CVE-2021-20317)

It was discovered that a race condition existed in the overlay file system
implementation in the Linux kernel. A local attacker could use this to
cause a denial of service (system crash). (CVE-2021-20321)

It was discovered that the NFC subsystem in the Linux kernel contained a
use-after-free vulnerability in its NFC Controller Interface (NCI)
implementation. A local attacker could possibly use this to cause a denial
of service (system crash) or execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2021-3760)

It was discovered that an integer overflow could be triggered in the eBPF
implementation in the Linux kernel when preallocating objects for stack
maps. A privileged local attacker could use this to cause a denial of
service or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2021-41864)

It was discovered that the ISDN CAPI implementation in the Linux kernel
contained a race condition in certain situations that could trigger an
array out-of-bounds bug. A privileged local attacker could possibly use
this to cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary code.