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packetstormFlorent DaignierePACKETSTORM:113526
HistoryJun 12, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

F5 BIG-IP Remote Root Authentication Bypass

Florent Daigniere

0.466 Medium




` Matta Consulting - Matta Advisory  
F5 BIG-IP remote root authentication bypass Vulnerability  
Advisory ID: MATTA-2012-002  
CVE reference: CVE-2012-1493  
Affected platforms: BIG-IP platforms without SCCP  
Version: 11.x 10.x 9.x  
Date: 2012-February-16  
Security risk: High  
Vulnerability: F5 BIG-IP remote root authentication bypass  
Researcher: Florent Daigniere  
Vendor Status: Notified / Patch available  
Vulnerability Disclosure Policy:  
Permanent URL:  
Vulnerable BIG-IP installations allow unauthenticated users to bypass  
authentication and login as the 'root' user on the device.   
The SSH private key corresponding to the following public key is  
public and present on all vulnerable appliances:  
AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAvIhC5skTzxyHif/7iy3yhxuK6/OB13hjPqrskogkYFrcW8OK4VJT+5+Fx7wd4sQCnVn8rNqahw/x6sfcOMDI/Xvn4yKU4t8TnYf2MpUVr4ndz39L5Ds1n7Si1m2suUNxWbKv58I8+NMhlt2ITraSuTU0NGymWOc8+LNi+MHXdLk= SCCP Superuser  
Its fingerprint is:  
If successful, a malicious third party can get full control of the  
device with little to no effort. The Attacker might reposition and  
launch an attack against other parts of the target infrastructure  
from there.  
Versions affected:  
BIG-IP version 11.1.0 build 1943.0 tested.   
The vendor reports that the following versions are patched:  
9.4.8-HF5 and later   
10.2.4 and later   
11.0.0-HF2 and later   
11.1.0-HF3 and later  
This vulnerability was discovered and researched by Florent Daigniere  
from Matta Consulting.  
16-02-12 initial discovery  
22-02-12 initial attempt to contact the vendor  
24-02-12 reply from David Wang, case C1062228 is open  
24-02-12 draft of the advisory sent to the vendor  
01-03-12 CVE-2012-1493 is assigned  
06-04-12 James Affeld starts coordinating the notification effort  
23-05-12 F5 notifies us that patches are ready  
29-05-12 F5 sends advance notification to some customers  
06-06-12 Public disclosure  
About Matta  
Matta is a privately held company with Headquarters in London, and a  
European office in Amsterdam. Established in 2001, Matta operates  
in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America using a respected  
team of senior consultants. Matta is an accredited provider of  
Tiger Scheme training; conducts regular research and is the developer  
behind the webcheck application scanner, and colossus network scanner.  
Disclaimer and Copyright  
Copyright (c) 2012 Matta Consulting Limited. All rights reserved.  
This advisory may be distributed as long as its distribution is  
free-of-charge and proper credit is given.  
The information provided in this advisory is provided "as is" without  
warranty of any kind. Matta Consulting disclaims all warranties, either  
express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and  
fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Matta Consulting or  
its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct,  
indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or  
special damages, even if Matta Consulting or its suppliers have been  
advised of the possibility of such damages.  