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packetstormMohamed Abdelbasset ElnoubyPACKETSTORM:146961
HistoryMar 30, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

Crea8Social Social Network Script Pro / Business Cross Site Scripting

Mohamed Abdelbasset Elnouby

0.001 Low




`[-] Title: Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Crea8Social  
Social Network Script  
[-] Product Description:  
Crea8Social is the leading social networking software that helps you build  
your own custom online community.  
[-] Vulnerability Type:  
Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities (Stored and Reflected)  
[-] Impact and more info:  
[-] Version affected:  
Crea8Social Social Network Script a Pro and Business  
[-] Test Performed:  
Quick Trial Security Assessment (not fully tested)  
[-] Vulnerable Request Type:  
[-] Vulnerable Module/Parameter/Path:  
1. Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Crea8Social Post comments  
2. Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Crea8Social User Profile  
3. Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Crea8Social Posts  
4. Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Search feature:  
a [Script_Installation_Domain]/search/dropdown  
[-] Payload used:  
[-] Blogpost and Proof of concept Videos:  
[-] Attack Vectors:  
a Escalation of Privileges: A normal user can create a bogus (user) account  
on Crea8Social platform hence hijack the Adminas account and takeover the  
whole installation.  
a Client Side JS Code Execution: A normal user can create a bogus (user)  
account on Crea8Social platform with a stored XSS attack vector which will  
lead to execute JS code on behalf of all the user types passing by the  
attackeras public user profile page.  
a Information Disclosure: A normal user can create a bogus (user) account  
on Crea8Social platform with a rough stored XSS attack vector to perform  
client side js code execution on other users sessions hence steal their  
session cookie or their private information from their accounts.  
[-] Fix Suggestion:  
Filter and sanitize all the user supplied inputs.  
[-] Advisory(s):  
a CVE-2018-9120  
a CVE-2018-9121  
a CVE-2018-9122  
a CVE-2018-9123  
[-] Product URL(s):  
[-] Disclaimer:  
This bug is subject to Seekurity SAS de C.V. responsible disclosure rules  
which is a 90-day-disclosure-deadline or NON-Responsive vendor. After 90  
days elapse, Non-Responsive vendor detection or a patch has been made  
broadly available, the bug details will become visible to the public  
through our official communication channels.  
*Mohamed Abdelbasset Elnouby*Founder and Cyber Security Advisor at  
Seekurity SAS  
de C.V. <>  
Contact me at:  
*Let's speak encrypted. Here's my Public Key on PGP Global Directory: *  
*Click to download  
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addressee, you are not authorized to read, copy or use the e-mail or any  
attachment. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the  
sender by return e-mail and then destroy it.*  
*El presente documento electrA3nico y cualquier anexo al mismo, contiene  
informaciA3n confidencial y exclusiva para el destinatario. Si usted no es  
el destinatario, no estA! autorizado a leer este documento, a copiarlo o  
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electrA3nico por error, favor de notificar al remitente por este mismo  
conducto y proceda a eliminar de cualquier archivo este documento  

0.001 Low




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