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packetstormBrian D. HysellPACKETSTORM:149050
HistoryAug 23, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

OSCAR EMR 15.21beta361 XSS / Disclosure / CSRF / Insecure Direct Object Reference

Brian D. Hysell

0.973 High




`Title: Multiple vulnerabilities in OSCAR EMR  
Product: OSCAR EMR  
Vendor: Oscar McMaster  
Tested version: 15.21beta361  
Remediation status: Unknown  
Reported by: Brian D. Hysell  
Product Description:  
"OSCAR is open-source Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software that  
was first developed at McMaster University by Dr. David Chan. It is  
continuously enriched by contributions from OSCAR users and the  
Charter OSCAR Service Providers that support them. OSCAR has been  
certified by OntarioMD, and verified as IHE compliant, achievements  
made possible by the creation and success of OSCAR EMRas ISO  
13485:2003 certified Quality Management System."  
29 Mar 2016 - Vendor contacted  
29 Mar 2016 - Vendor responded  
29 Apr 2016 - Vendor contacted for permission to share redacted report  
with third party  
02 May 2016 - Vendor responded  
17 Jan 2017 - Lead developer contacted (no response)  
01 Jul 2018 - Vendor and lead developer contacted for follow-up,  
informed of intended 15 Aug disclosure (no response)  
12 Aug 2018 - Alternate email address attempted for lead developer (no response)  
15 Aug 2018 - Vulnerabilities publicly disclosed  
This report uses OVE identifiers:  
OVE-20160329-0001: Database backup disclosure or denial of service via  
insecure dependency  
OVE-20160329-0003: Remote code execution via unsafe object deserialization  
OVE-20160329-0004: Stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in  
security report interface  
OVE-20160329-0007: SQL injection  
OVE-20160329-0008: Path traversal  
OVE-20160329-0002: Insecure direct object reference in document manager  
OVE-20160329-0005: Denial of service via resource exhaustion  
OVE-20160329-0006: Insecure password storage  
OVE-20160329-0009: Cross-site request forgery  
Issue details:  
=== OVE-20160329-0001: Database backup disclosure or denial of service  
via insecure dependency ===  
OSCAR uses a version of Apache Struts, 1.2.7, which is vulnerable to  
An authenticated user can issue the following request with different /  
omitted cookie headers:  
Consequently, he or she can access (using a valid session cookie),  
e.g., /oscar/OscarBackup.sql.gz  
An unauthenticated attacker is prevented from doing likewise by the  
aLoginFiltera servlet filter, but can still carry out a  
denial-of-service attack impeding any access to the application until  
Tomcat is restarted by issuing a request like the following:  
=== OVE-20160329-0003: Remote code execution via unsafe object  
deserialization ===  
TraceabilityReportProcessor deserializes user-provided data, allowing  
remote code execution given the presence of known-vulnerable libraries  
in the classpath such as ROME 1.0. This functionality is only  
available to administrators but can be exploited via XSS  
(OVE-20160329-0004) or CSRF (issue 9) using a payload generated with  
In the tested configuration PMmodule/GenericIntake/ImportForm.jsp is  
inaccessible due to the following exception  
aorg.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No  
bean named 'oscarSecurityManager' is defineda, but were it to be  
accessible, it would be vulnerable as well.  
=== OVE-20160329-0004: Stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability  
in security report interface ===  
logReport.jsp, in general, does not escape data it outputs to the  
page; in particular, on line 283, prop.getProperty("contentId") is  
printed unescaped. As a result, if an attacker includes Javascript in  
his or her username during a login attempt, it will be executed if an  
administrator views the Security Log Report for that timeframe. The  
text printed in the "Keyword" column is cut off at 80 characters, but  
that is more than enough to load an externally-hosted script, such as  
the following script exploiting the deserialization RCE  
var decodedBase64 =  
var binaryArray = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(decodedBase64.length));  
for(var i = 0; i < binaryArray.length; i++) {  
binaryArray[i] = decodedBase64.charCodeAt(i);  
var payload = new Blob([binaryArray], {type: "application/x-gzip"});  
var formData = new FormData();  
formData.append("file", payload);  
formData.append("submit", "Generate");  
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/oscar/admin/");  
XSS was not a focus of this test; other confirmed or likely XSS  
vulnerabilities are:  
* Reflected XSS through the errormsg parameter in loginfailed.jsp  
* Reflected XSS through the signatureRequestId parameter in tabletSignature.jsp  
* Reflected XSS through the noteId parameter, line 1562 in  
CaseManagementViewAction (untested)  
* Reflected XSS through the pdfName parameter when an exception has  
been thrown, line 1174 in ManageDocumentAction (untested)  
* Reflected XSS through the pharmaName and pharmaFax parameters, line  
149 in FrmCustomedPDFServlet (untested)  
* Reflected XSS through the id and followupValue parameters, line 81  
in EctAddShortMeasurementAction (untested)  
=== OVE-20160329-0007: SQL injection ===  
On line 239 of oscarMDS/PatientSearch.jsp, the orderby parameter is  
concatenated into an SQL statement rather than parameterized; likewise  
the content parameter on lines 217, 223, and 229 of  
admin/logReport.jsp. In both cases these errors result in error-based  
SQL injection vulnerabilities; the former allows authenticated users  
with access to oscarMDS/PatientSearch.jsp to access information beyond  
their privilege levels while the latter is accessible only to  
=== OVE-20160329-0008: Path traversal ===  
ImportLogDownloadAction reads and outputs an arbitrary absolute file  
path provided by the user; DelImageAction deletes a user-specified  
filename without accounting for the possibility of relative path  
traversal (i.e., the inclusion of "../" in the filename).  
Any authenticated user can exploit the former issue to steal files  
from the system, e.g.,  
An authenticated user with access to eforms can delete files writeable  
by the Tomcat user, e.g.,  
=== OVE-20160329-0002: Insecure direct object reference in document manager ===  
ManageDocumentAction.display() does not check the permissions  
associated with the requested document ID (doc_no) before providing it  
to the requesting user. Given  
/oscar/dms/, a  
user with access to the document management interface can view  
arbitrary documents by incrementing or decrementing X, regardless of  
whether they have been marked private.  
=== OVE-20160329-0005: Denial of service via resource exhaustion ===  
uploadSignature.jsp, which is accessible to and operable by  
unauthenticated users, saves uploaded files to a temporary directory  
but never deletes them. An attacker can upload many junk files and  
eventually consume all disk space available to the /tmp directory,  
impeding access to the application depending on the functionality in  
question and the partition layout of the host system (the effects are  
crippling and pervasive if /tmp is on the same partition as /; they  
are much less so if /tmp is on a separate partition).  
=== OVE-20160329-0006: Insecure password storage ===  
Passwords are stored as SHA-1 hashes; unless unusually complex,  
passwords stored in that manner are typically easily recoverable with  
a tool such as oclHashcat. In OSCAR each hash is stored as a string of  
decimal numbers, rather than hexadecimal or raw bytes. This somewhat  
non-traditional representation adds a bit of programming work to the  
cracking process, but does not represent a major impediment to attack.  
=== OVE-20160329-0009: Cross-site request forgery ===  
The application lacks protection against cross-site request forgery  
attacks. A CSRF attack could be used against an administrator to  
exploit the deserialization RCE in a manner similar to the example  
provided with OVE-20160329-0004.  