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packetstormW. SchoberPACKETSTORM:155525
HistoryDec 02, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

SALTO ProAccess SPACE 5.5 Traversal / File Write / XSS / Bypass

W. Schober





`SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20191202-0 >  
title: Multiple Critical Vulnerabilities  
product: SALTO ProAccess SPACE  
vulnerable version: <= v5.5  
fixed version: >= v5.6  
CVE number: CVE-2019-19457, CVE-2019-19458, CVE-2019-19459,  
impact: critical  
found: 2019-05-22  
by: Werner Schober (Office Vienna)  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
An integrated part of SEC Consult  
Europe | Asia | North America  
Vendor description:  
"SALTO ProAccess SPACE Software is a powerful access control management  
tool that enables you to program access time zones for each user,  
manage different calendars and obtain audit trails from each door  
to see who has passed through it. The software includes special  
functions such as automatic door status changes, anti-passback  
and relay management.  
Thanks to its advanced software features, SALTO ProAccess SPACE is also  
one of the most user-friendly and powerful software products for the  
access control management of stand-alone wireless devices, and IP  
online devices in one converged complete access control platform  
for the user, keys and doors management."  
Business recommendation:  
The vendor provides a patch which should be installed immediately.  
SEC Consult recommends to perform a thorough security review conducted by  
security professionals to identify and resolve all security issues.  
Vulnerability overview/description:  
1. Path Traversal (CVE-2019-19458)  
Path traversal vulnerabilities allow attackers access to files  
and directories outside the application root through relative file paths  
in the user input. During a quick security check, multiple locations  
in the web application were identified, which allow an attacker  
to traverse outside of the application root. The vulnerabilities got  
identified in the "Data Export" as well as "Database Export"  
functionality. Those vulnerabilities can for example be used to dump the  
whole database into the web root, by traversing outside of the application  
2. Arbitrary File Write (CVE-2019-19459)  
By further exploiting the path traversal vulnerability inside of the  
"Data Export" feature, an attacker is able to traverse into arbitrary paths  
and write arbitrary files with arbitrary contents. Some examples are files  
to the web root, or bat files into auto start. This allows an attacker to  
execute arbitrary commands on the server.  
3. Stored Cross-Site-Scripting (CVE-2019-19457)  
By adding devices to the SALTO network with a JavaScript payload inside of  
certain parameters, an attacker is able to permanently embed arbitrary  
JavaScript payloads inside of the web application.  
4. Webserver running as SYSTEM (Windows Service) per Default (CVE-2019-19460)  
The webserver of the SALTO ProAccess SPACE is running as a Windows Service with  
local SYSTEM permissions per default. This is against the principle of least  
privilege. An attacker, who is able to exploit the path traversal, or arbitrary  
file write vulnerability, is basically able to write to every single path  
on the file system, because the webserver is running with the highest  
privileges available.  
5. Authorization Issues  
Multiple API calls were identified in the SALTO ProAccess SPACE web application,  
that could normally only be called by high privileged users. Nevertheless, by  
directly calling the API with the OAuth token of a low privileged user, it was  
possible to call some API calls that shouldn't be available to them.  
6. Cleartext transmission of sensitive data  
The SALTO ProAccess SPACE web application allows their users to create so called  
event streams. Those streams can be used to log events centrally. The stream  
is transmitted via TCP/UDP in JSON, or CSV format. The stream is transmitted in  
cleartext and leaks sensitive data such as who opened which door and when  
including card ids etc.  
Proof of concept:  
1. Path Traversal (CVE-2019-19458)  
The "Data Export" as well as the "Database Export" features in  
SALTO ProAccess SPACE allow users to specify a filename for the different  
exports. By using special characters inside of the filename, an attacker is  
able to traverse outside of the designated export path and place the exports  
in arbitrary locations. For example, the following filename can be used  
in the database export to store the database backup inside of the webroot:  
..\..\..\..\SALTO\ProAccess Space\bin\webapp\backup.db  
The file can then be easily retrieved via the following link without  
2. Arbitrary File Write (CVE-2019-19459)  
The vulnerability described above can be further developed into an arbitrary  
file write vulnerability by using the "Data Export" functionality. The webapp  
lets their users choose an export filename and the fields, which should be  
exported (e.g. Username, Notes field). To store a file with arbitrary contents  
on the file system the following steps have to be conducted:  
a. Store the payload inside of an arbitrary field, that can be manipulated by the  
user. (E.g. Username is set to "<img src=x onerror=alert(document.location)>"  
as an example for stored XSS)  
b. Create a new export with the following export file name  
"..\..\SALTO\ProAccess Space\bin\webapp\sectest.html"  
c. Finalize the export  
d. Access the file without authentication via http(s)://$IP/sectest.html  
3. Stored Cross-Site-Scripting (CVE-2019-19457)  
By injecting arbitrary JavaScript payloads inside of the name of a SALTO  
network device (e.g. RFID Wall Reader) an attacker is able to permanently  
embed malicious JavaScript code inside of the web application that is  
executed as soon as certain pages are visited.  
4. Webserver running as SYSTEM (Windows Service) per Default (CVE-2019-19460)  
In a standard configuration the SALTO service, which is also serving the  
webserver on port 8100 is running as a local windows service. Naturally, this  
results in multiple issues. One of them is, that the webserver is automatically  
running with SYSTEM privileges.  
5. Authorization Issues  
The following API calls can be accessed by a low privileged user without any  
permissions (except login permissions) set:  
Those API calls can be perfectly used to evaluate, which folders exist on the  
file system.  
6. Cleartext transmission of sensitive data  
No PoC available.  
Vulnerable / tested versions:  
The following versions have been tested:  
* SALTO ProAccess SPACE  
* Service Binary Version  
Vendor contact timeline:  
2019-05-24: Contacting vendor through [email protected]  
2019-05-24: Initial response from Salto Systems; providing a PGP public key for  
encrypted communication  
2019-05-24: Sending the encrypted advisory to Salto Systems  
2019-06-11: Requesting a status update.  
2019-06-12: Vendor responded with a detailed plan on how and when  
the vulnerabilities are going to be fixed.  
2019-09-02: Requesting status update.  
2019-09-04: Vendor provides version information and further release plan updates  
2019-09 - 2019-11: Multiple emails exchanged and telephone conferences discussing  
the vulnerabilities  
2019-12-02: Coordinated advisory release.  
Update to SALTO ProAccess SPACE 5.6 which is available to customers through the  
vendor's software area.  
No workaround available.  
Advisory URL:  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
SEC Consult  
Europe | Asia | North America  
About SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult. It  
ensures the continued knowledge gain of SEC Consult in the field of network  
and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The SEC Consult  
Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and the evaluation  
of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers. Hence our  
customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities and valid  
recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies.  
Interested to work with the experts of SEC Consult?  
Send us your application  
Interested in improving your cyber security with the experts of SEC Consult?  
Contact our local offices  
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com  
EOF Werner Schober / @2019  





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