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packetstormRyan DelaneyPACKETSTORM:158413
HistoryJul 14, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

Verint Impact 360 15.1 Cross Site Request Forgery

Ryan Delaney

0.001 Low




# Exploit Title: Verint Impact 360 login CSRF  
# Date: 7-13-2020  
# Exploit Author: Ryan Delaney  
# Author Contact: [email protected]  
# Author LinkedIn:  
# Vendor Homepage:  
# Software Link:  
# Version: Impact 360 v15.1  
# Tested on: Impact 360 v15.1  
# CVE: CVE-2019-12784  
1. Description  
An issue was discovered in Verint Impact 360 15.1. At wfo/control/signin,  
the login form can accept POST submissions from external sources. This may  
allow attackers to compromise credentials via bruteforce login attempts  
through users in the target environment running JS provided by the attacker  
(e.g. malvertising) via XHR, and be notified of a successful login attempt  
via a unique callback from CVE-2019-12783 to an attacker-owned web server,  
even if the site is not accessible to the attacker due to firewall rules or  
network configuration.  
2. Mitigation  
Create firewall rules to drop traffic going to the Impact 360 system with  
an external referrer.  
Request a patch from Verint. Verint has not patched this vulnerability to  
my knowledge, despite having been made aware of it over a year ago.  
3. PoC  
Withheld due to possible legal threat.  
4. Timeline  
Discovered: 6-7-2019  
CVE assigned: 6-10-2019  
First contact: 6-14-2019 (no response)  
Follow-up 1: 6-25-2019  
Reply received: 7-9-2019 (stating that the responsible disclosure line  
was for the community edition and report would be forwarded to enterprise)  
Follow-up 2: 7-16-2019  
Reply received: 7-19-2019 (cc'ing another individual and asking them to  
follow up with me)  
Follow-up 3: 8-30-2019 (no response)  
Follow-up 4: 9-4-2019 (no response)  
Follow-up 5: 9-11-2019 (no response)  
Follow-up 6: 1-6-2020 (notification of intent to disclose in 90 days, no  
Follow-up 7: 3-5-2020 (notification of intent to disclose in 30 days)  
Reply received: 3-6-2020 (requesting addition delay for disclosure)  
Follow-up 8: 3-27-2020 (no response)  
Follow-up 9: 5-18-2020 (no response)  
Follow-up 10: 6-25-2020 (notification of intent to disclose, requesting  
confirmation that legal action will not be pursued, no response)  
Published: 7-13-2020 (260 business days after initial report)  

0.001 Low




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