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packetstormAlberto TriveroPACKETSTORM:82649
HistoryNov 17, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

ToutVirtual VirtualIQ Pro XSS / XSRF / Execution

Alberto Trivero

0.971 High




`Secure Network - Security Research Advisory  
Vuln name: ToutVirtual VirtualIQ Pro Multiple Vulnerabilities  
Systems affected: ToutVirtual VirtualIQ Professional 3.2 build 7882  
Systems not affected: --  
Severity: High  
Local/Remote: Remote  
Vendor URL:  
Author(s): Alberto Trivero ([email protected])   
Claudio Criscione ([email protected])  
Vendor disclosure: 02/07/2009  
Vendor acknowledged: 16/07/2009  
Vendor patch release: notified us on 06/11/2009  
Public disclosure: 07/11/2009  
Advisory number: SN-2009-02  
Advisory URL:  
*** SUMMARY ***  
ToutVirtual's VirtualIQ Pro is specifically designed for IT administrators   
responsible for managing virtual platforms. VirtualIQ Pro provides  
Visibility, Analytics and policy-based Optimization - all from one single  
console. VirtualIQ Pro is hypervisor-agnostic supporting both Type I and Type   
II hypervisors. VirtualIQ Pro can be used to visualize, analyze and   
optimize your choice of virtualization platform - Citrix, Microsoft,  
Novell, Oracle and/or VMware.  
Multiple vulnerabilities has been found which a allow an attacker to conduct   
various XSS and CSRF attack, and other attacks due to the use   
of an old an not hardened version of the web server.  
(a) Cross-site scripting (XSS)  
Due to an improper sanitization of user's input, multiple XSS attacks   
(reflective and stored) are possible.  
Reflective PoCs:  
http://server:9080/tvserver/server/user/setPermissions.jsp?userId=1"><script>alert(1)</script>&[email protected]   
Stored XSS attacks can be triggered in the "Middle Name" parameter in the   
"Edit Profile" page with an HTTP request like the following:  
POST /tvserver/user/ HTTP/1.1  
Host: server:9080  
Cookies: JSESSIONID=[...]  
(b) Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)  
An attacker can perform different types of CSRF attacks against a logged user.   
He can, for example, shutdown, start or restart an arbitrary  
virtual machine, schedule new activities and so on.  
The following HTTP request, if forged by the attacker and executed by the   
victim while logged on VirtualIQ, creates an arbitrary user:  
POST /tvserver/user/ HTTP/1.1  
Host: server:9080  
Cookie: JSESSIONID=[...]  
(c) Web server vulnerabilities  
VirtualIQ runs on top of an old version of Apache Tomcat: 5.5.9, for which   
multiple public vulnerabilities have been released. As a   
PoC, a directory traversal attack (CVE-2008-2938)   
can be performed as:  
Listing of an arbitrary directory (CVE-2006-3835) can also be obtained with   
the following PoC:;index.jsp  
(d) Information Leakage  
Tomcat status page should be disabled or restricted, being accessible at:  
Username and password to access a VM through SSH are also available in clear   
text in the configuration page.   
Since an XSS vulnerability can also be triggered in the same page, an attacker   
would also be able to easily capture the full credentials to access   
the VM with a specially crafted XSS payload.  
(e) Remote code execution  
JBoss JMX Management Console is exposed and can be used by remote attackers to   
execute arbitrary commands on the system:  
JBoss Web Console is exposed as well and can be used by remote attackers to   
execute any command on the system:  
*** EXPLOIT ***  
Attackers may exploit these issues through a common browser as explained   
Upgrade to the latest version, at the moment 3.5 build 10.14.2009  
Secure Network ( is an information security company,   
which provides consulting and training services, and engages in security   
research and development.   
We are committed to open, full disclosure of vulnerabilities, cooperating  
whenever possible with software developers for properly handling disclosure.  
This advisory is copyright 2009 Secure Network S.r.l. Permission is   
hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert, provided that it is  
not altered except by reformatting it, and that due credit is given. It   
may not be edited in any way without the express consent of Secure Network   
S.r.l. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability   
databases and similars, provided that due credit is given to Secure Network.  
The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of   
publishing based on currently available information. This information is  
provided as-is, as a free service to the community by Secure Network   
research staff. There are no warranties with regard to this information.   
Secure Network does not accept any liability for any direct, indirect,  
or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on,  
this information.  
If you have any comments or inquiries, or any issue with what is reported   
in this advisory, please inform us as soon as possible.  
E-mail: [email protected]  
GPG/PGP key:  
Phone: +39 02 24 12 67 88  
Claudio Criscione  
Secure Network S.r.l.  
Via Venezia, 23 - 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI) - Italia  
Tel: +39 02.24126788 Mob: +39 392 3389178  
email: [email protected]  