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HistoryNov 05, 2021 - 7:43 p.m.

Metasploit Wrap-Up

Spencer McIntyre

0.975 High




GitLab RCE

Metasploit Wrap-Up

New Rapid7 team member jbaines-r7 wrote an exploit targeting GitLab via the ExifTool command. Exploiting this vulnerability results in unauthenticated remote code execution as the git user. What makes this module extra neat is the fact that it chains two vulnerabilities together to achieve this desired effect. The first vulnerability is in GitLab itself that can be leveraged to pass invalid image files to the ExifTool parser which contained the second vulnerability whereby a specially-constructed image could be used to execute code. For even more information on these vulnerabilities, check out Rapid7โ€™s post.

Less Than BulletProof

This week community member h00die submitted another Wordpress module. This one leverages an information disclosure vulnerability in the Wordpress BulletProof Security plugin that can disclose user credentials from a backup file. These credentials could then be used by a malicious attacker to login to Wordpress if the hashed password is able to be cracked in an offline attack.

Metasploit Masterfully Manages Meterpreter Metadata

Each Meterpreter implementation is a unique snowflake that often incorporates API commands that others may not. A great example of this are all the missing Kiwi commands in the Linux Meterpreter. Metasploit now has much better support for modules to identify the functionality they require a Meterpreter session to have in order to run. This will help alleviate frustration encountered by users when they try to run a post module with a Meterpreter type that doesnโ€™t offer functionality that is needed. This furthers the Metasploit project goal of providing more meaningful error information regarding post module incompatibilities which has been an ongoing effort this year.

New module content (3)

  • Wordpress BulletProof Security Backup Disclosure by Ron Jost (Hacker5preme) and h00die, which exploits CVE-2021-39327 - This adds an auxiliary module that leverages an information disclosure vulnerability in the BulletproofSecurity plugin for Wordpress. This vulnerability is identified as CVE-2021-39327. The module retrieves a backup file, which is publicly accessible, and extracts user credentials from the database backup.
  • GitLab Unauthenticated Remote ExifTool Command Injection by William Bowling and jbaines-r7, which exploits CVE-2021-22204 and CVE-2021-22205 - This adds an exploit for an unauthenticated remote command injection in GitLab via a separate vulnerability within ExifTool. The vulnerabilities are identified as CVE-2021-22204 and CVE-2021-22205.
  • WordPress Plugin Pie Register Auth Bypass to RCE by Lotfi13-DZ and h00die - This exploits an authentication bypass which leads to arbitrary code execution in versions and below of the Wordpress plugin, pie-register. Supplying a valid admin id to the user_id_social_site parameter in a POST request now returns a valid session cookie. With that session cookie, a PHP payload as a plugin is uploaded and requested, resulting in code execution.

Enhancements and features

  • #15665 from adfoster-r7 - This adds additional metadata to exploit modules to specify Meterpreter command requirements. Metadata information is used to add a descriptive warning when running modules with a Meterpreter implementation that doesnโ€™t support the required command functionality.
  • #15782 from k0pak4 - This updates the iis_internal_ip module to include coverage for the PROPFIND internal IP address disclosure as described by CVE-2002-0422.

Bugs fixed

  • #15805 from timwr - This bumps the metasploit-payloads version to include two bug fixes for the Python Meterpreter.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate
and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.
To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the
binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).