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HistorySep 28, 2022 - 2:11 p.m.

What’s New in InsightVM and Nexpose: Q3 2022 in Review

Roshnee Mistry Shah
vmware vcenter
recurring coverage
tune assistant
windows server 2022
notable vulnerabilities

0.975 High




What’s New in InsightVM and Nexpose: Q3 2022 in Review

Another quarter comes to a close! While we definitely had our share of summer fun, our team continued to invest in the product, releasing features and updates like recurring coverage for enterprise technologies, performance enhancements, and more. Let’s take a look at some of the key releases in InsightVM and Nexpose from Q3.

[InsightVM and Nexpose] Recurring coverage for VMware vCenter

Recurring coverage provides ongoing, automatic vulnerability coverage for popular enterprise technology and systems. We recently added VMware vCenter to our list.

VMware vCenter Server is a centralized management platform used to manage virtual machines, ESXi hosts, and dependent components from a single host. Last year, vCenter was a significant target for bad actors and became the subject of a number of zero-days. Rapid7 provided ad hoc coverage to protect you against the vulnerabilities. Now, recurring coverage ensures fast, comprehensive protection that provides offensive and defensive security against vCenter vulnerabilities as they arise.

[InsightVM and Nexpose] Tune Assistant

The Security Console in InsightVM and Nexpose contains components that benefit from performance tuning. Tune Assistant is a built-in feature that will calculate performance tuning values based on resources allocated to the Security Console server, then automatically apply those values.

Tuning is calculated and applied to all new consoles when the product first starts up, and customers experiencing performance issues on existing consoles can now easily increase their own resources. For more information, read our docs page on configuring maximum performance in an enterprise environment.

What’s New in InsightVM and Nexpose: Q3 2022 in Review

[InsightVM and Nexpose] Windows Server 2022 Support

We want to ensure InsightVM and Nexpose are supported on business-critical technologies and operating systems. We added Windows Server 2022, the latest operating system for servers from Microsoft, to our list. The Scan Engine and Security Console can be installed and will be supported by Rapid7 on Windows Server 2022. Learn more about the systems we support.

[InsightVM and Nexpose] Checks for notable vulnerabilities

With exploitation of major vulnerabilities in Mitel MiVoice Connect, multiple Confluence applications, and other popular solutions, the threat actors definitely did not take it easy this summer. InsightVM and Nexpose customers can assess their exposure to many of these CVEs for vulnerability checks, including:

  • Mitel MiVoice Connect Service Appliance | CVE-2022-29499: An onsite VoIP business phone system, MiVoice Connect had a data validation vulnerability, which arose from insufficient data validation for a diagnostic script. The vulnerability potentially allowed an unauthenticated remote attacker to send specially crafted requests to inject commands and achieve remote code execution. Learn more about the vulnerability and our response.
  • “Questions” add-on for Confluence Application | CVE-2022-26138: This vulnerability affected “Questions,” an add-on for the Confluence application. It was quickly exploited in the wild once the hardcoded password was released on social media. Learn more about the vulnerability and our response.
  • Multiple vulnerabilities in Zimbra Collaboration Suite: Zimbra, a business productivity suite, was affected by five different vulnerabilities, one of which was unpatched, and four of which were being actively and widely exploited in the wild by well-organized threat actors. Learn more about the vulnerability and our response.
  • CVE-2022-30333 *CVE-2022-27924 *CVE-2022-27925 *CVE-2022-37042 *CVE-2022-37393

We were hard at work this summer making improvements and increasing the level of protections against attackers for our customers. As we head into the fall and the fourth quarter of the year, you can bet we will continue to make InsightVM the best and most comprehensive risk management platform available. Stay tuned for more great things, and have a happy autumn.

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