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HistoryApr 01, 2017 - 12:03 p.m.

Metasploit, [REDACTED] Edition


0.028 Low




Why should [REDACTED] have all the fun with spiffy codenames for their exploits? As of today, Metasploit is taking a page from [REDACTED], and equipping all Metasploit modules with equally fear-and-awe-inspiring codenames. Sure, there are catchy names for vulnerabilities โ€“ we remember you fondly, Badblock -- but clearly, unique names for exploits is where the real action is at, especially when youโ€™re [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED].

So, instead of running boring old โ€˜exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapiโ€™, now you can don your onyx tactleneck, and use CRISPYTRUFFLE like the international man of mystery that you are.

Need to scan for telnet banners? Sure, you could use โ€˜auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_versionโ€™, like some kind of civilian, or you can be a shadowy puppetmaster and unleash the awesome power of HIDDENBOYFRIEND.

Or, maybe youโ€™re looking to deploy one of Metasploitโ€™s payloads as a standalone executable, given to your operative in the field. Once youโ€™ve lost your tail and met your contact in a darkened, rain-slicked alley, you can hand off a USB key loaded up with VENGEFULPONY, and trust heโ€™ll do what it takes to get back across the border.

In order to enable these ultra-top-secret codenames, youโ€™ll need to run a fresh checkout of the development version of the Metasploit Framework. If youโ€™re on one of the binary versions of Metasploit, theyโ€™ll be getting these codenames as well, so you can check if theyโ€™re available by setting the environment variable DANGERZONE, like so:

$ DANGERZONE=1 ./msfconsole -q


msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) >

So take a moment today, April 1st, to read yourself into [REDACTED] by visiting Make sure youโ€™re behind at least seven proxies when you do so, since [REDACTED] is probably watching.