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HistoryMar 22, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2006:0265) sendmail security update


0.94 High




Sendmail is a Mail Transport Agent (MTA) used to send mail between machines.

A flaw in the handling of asynchronous signals was discovered in Sendmail.
A remote attacker may be able to exploit a race condition to execute
arbitrary code as root. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project
assigned the name CVE-2006-0058 to this issue.

By default on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, Sendmail is configured to only
accept connections from the local host. Therefore only users who have
configured Sendmail to listen to remote hosts would be able to be remotely
exploited by this vulnerability.

In order to correct this issue for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 users, it
was necessary to upgrade the version of Sendmail from 8.11 as originally
shipped to Sendmail 8.12 with the addition of the security patch supplied
by Sendmail Inc. This erratum provides updated packages based on Sendmail
8.12 with a compatibility mode enabled. After updating to these packages,
users should pay close attention to their sendmail logs to ensure that the
upgrade completed sucessfully.