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HistoryApr 18, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2006:0329) mozilla security update






Mozilla is an open source Web browser, advanced email and newsgroup client,
IRC chat client, and HTML editor.

Several bugs were found in the way Mozilla processes malformed javascript.
A malicious web page could modify the content of a different open web
page, possibly stealing sensitive information or conducting a cross-site
scripting attack. (CVE-2006-1731, CVE-2006-1732, CVE-2006-1741)

Several bugs were found in the way Mozilla processes certain javascript
actions. A malicious web page could execute arbitrary javascript
instructions with the permissions of “chrome”, allowing the page to steal
sensitive information or install browser malware. (CVE-2006-1727,
CVE-2006-1728, CVE-2006-1733, CVE-2006-1734, CVE-2006-1735, CVE-2006-1742)

Several bugs were found in the way Mozilla processes malformed web pages.
A carefully crafted malicious web page could cause the execution of
arbitrary code as the user running Mozilla. (CVE-2006-0748, CVE-2006-0749,
CVE-2006-1730, CVE-2006-1737, CVE-2006-1738, CVE-2006-1739, CVE-2006-1790)

A bug was found in the way Mozilla displays the secure site icon. If a
browser is configured to display the non-default secure site modal warning
dialog, it may be possible to trick a user into believing they are viewing
a secure site. (CVE-2006-1740)

A bug was found in the way Mozilla allows javascript mutation events on
“input” form elements. A malicious web page could be created in such a way
that when a user submits a form, an arbitrary file could be uploaded to the
attacker. (CVE-2006-1729)

A bug was found in the way Mozilla executes in-line mail forwarding. If a
user can be tricked into forwarding a maliciously crafted mail message as
in-line content, it is possible for the message to execute javascript with
the permissions of “chrome”. (CVE-2006-0884)

Users of Mozilla are advised to upgrade to these updated packages
containing Mozilla version 1.7.13 which corrects these issues.