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HistoryMay 23, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2006:0526) postgresql security update






PostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational database management system

A bug was found in the way PostgreSQL’s PQescapeString function escapes
strings when operating in a multibyte character encoding. It is possible
for an attacker to provide an application a carefully crafted string
containing invalidly-encoded characters, which may be improperly escaped,
allowing the attacker to inject malicious SQL. While this update fixes how
PQescapeString operates, the PostgreSQL server has also been modified to
prevent such an attack occurring through unpatched clients.
(CVE-2006-2313, CVE-2006-2314). More details about this issue are
available in the linked PostgreSQL technical documentation.

An integer signedness bug was found in the way PostgreSQL generated
password salts. The actual salt size is only half the size of the expected
salt, making the process of brute forcing password hashes slightly easier.
This update will not strengthen already existing passwords, but all newly
assigned passwords will have the proper salt length. (CVE-2006-0591)

Users of PostgreSQL should upgrade to these updated packages containing
PostgreSQL version 7.4.13, which corrects these issues.