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HistorySep 26, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2007:0889) Moderate: php security update






PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language commonly used with the Apache
HTTP Web server.

These updated packages address the following vulnerabilities:

Various integer overflow flaws were found in the PHP gd extension script
that could be forced to resize images from an untrusted source, possibly
allowing a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code as the apache
user. (CVE-2007-3996)

An integer overflow flaw was found in the PHP chunk_split function. If a
remote attacker was able to pass arbitrary data to the third argument of
chunk_split they could possibly execute arbitrary code as the apache user.
Note that it is unusual for a PHP script to use the chunk_split function
with a user-supplied third argument. (CVE-2007-2872)

A previous security update introduced a bug into PHP session cookie
handling. This could allow an attacker to stop a victim from viewing a
vulnerable web site if the victim has first visited a malicious web page
under the control of the attacker, and that page can set a cookie for the
vulnerable web site. (CVE-2007-4670)

A flaw was found in the PHP money_format function. If a remote attacker
was able to pass arbitrary data to the money_format function this could
possibly result in an information leak or denial of service. Note that it
is unusual for a PHP script to pass user-supplied data to the money_format
function. (CVE-2007-4658)

A flaw was found in the PHP wordwrap function. If a remote attacker was
able to pass arbitrary data to the wordwrap function this could possibly
result in a denial of service. (CVE-2007-3998)

A bug was found in PHP session cookie handling. This could allow an
attacker to create a cross-site cookie insertion attack if a victim follows
an untrusted carefully-crafted URL. (CVE-2007-3799)

An infinite-loop flaw was discovered in the PHP gd extension. A script
that could be forced to process PNG images from an untrusted source could
allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2007-2756)

A flaw was found in the PHP “ftp” extension. If a PHP script used this
extension to provide access to a private FTP server, and passed untrusted
script input directly to any function provided by this extension, a remote
attacker would be able to send arbitrary FTP commands to the server.

Users of PHP should upgrade to these updated packages, which contain
backported patches to correct these issues.