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HistoryMay 26, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2009:1067) Moderate: Red Hat Application Stack v2.3 security and enhancement update


0.056 Low




Red Hat Application Stack v2.3 is an integrated open source application
stack, that includes Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform (EAP). JBoss EAP is provided through the JBoss EAP
channels on the Red Hat Network.

This update fixes the following security issues:

A heap-based buffer overflow flaw was discovered in the perl-DBD-Pg
pg_getline function implementation. If the pg_getline or getline functions
read large, untrusted records from a database, it could cause an
application using these functions to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary
code. (CVE-2009-0663)

Note: After installing this update, pg_getline may return more data than
specified by its second argument, as this argument will be ignored. This is
consistent with current upstream behavior. Previously, the length limit
(the second argument) was not enforced, allowing a buffer overflow.

A memory leak flaw was found in the perl-DBD-Pg function performing the
de-quoting of BYTEA type values acquired from a database. An attacker able
to cause an application using perl-DBD-Pg to perform a large number of SQL
queries returning BYTEA records, could cause the application to use
excessive amounts of memory or, possibly, crash. (CVE-2009-1341)

MySQL was updated to version 5.0.79, fixing the following security issues:

A flaw was found in the way MySQL handles an empty bit-string literal. A
remote, authenticated attacker could crash the MySQL server daemon (mysqld)
if they used an empty bit-string literal in an SQL statement. This issue
only caused a temporary denial of service, as the MySQL daemon was
automatically restarted after the crash. (CVE-2008-3963)

It was discovered that the Red Hat Security Advisory RHSA-2008:0505, for
Red Hat Application Stack v2.1, provided an incomplete fix for the flaw
where MySQL did not correctly check directories used as arguments for the
DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY directives. Using this flaw, an
authenticated attacker could elevate their access privileges to tables
created by other database users. Note: This attack does not work on
existing tables. An attacker can only elevate their access to another
user’s tables as the tables are created. As well, the names of these
created tables need to be predicted correctly for this attack to succeed.

PostgreSQL was updated to version 8.2.13, fixing the following security

A flaw was found in the way PostgreSQL handles encoding conversion. A
remote, authenticated user could trigger an encoding conversion failure,
possibly leading to a temporary denial of service. (CVE-2009-0922)

Also, the following packages have been updated:

  • httpd to 2.2.11
  • mysql-connector-odbc to 3.51.27r695
  • perl-DBD-MySQL to 4.010-1.el5s2
  • php to 5.2.9
  • postgresql-jdbc to 8.2.509
  • postgresqlclient81 to 8.1.17

All users should upgrade to these updated packages, which resolve these
issues. Users must restart the individual services, including postgresql,
mysqld, and httpd, for this update to take effect.