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HistoryJul 06, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2009:1145) Important: JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3.0.CP05 update


0.971 High




JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is the market leading platform for
innovative and scalable Java applications; integrating the JBoss
Application Server, with JBoss Hibernate and JBoss Seam into a complete,
simple enterprise solution.

This release of JBEAP for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 serves as a
replacement to JBEAP 4.3.0.CP04.

These updated packages include bug fixes and enhancements which are
detailed in the release notes. The link to the release notes is available
below in the References section of this errata.

The following security issues are also fixed with this release:

It was discovered that request dispatchers did not properly normalize user
requests that have trailing query strings, allowing remote attackers to
send specially-crafted requests that would cause an information leak.

It was discovered that the error checking methods of certain authentication
classes did not have sufficient error checking, allowing remote attackers
to enumerate (via brute force methods) usernames registered with
applications deployed on JBossWeb when FORM-based authentication was used.

It was discovered that web applications containing their own XML parsers
could replace the XML parser JBossWeb uses to parse configuration files. A
malicious web application running on a JBossWeb instance could read or,
potentially, modify the configuration and XML-based data of other web
applications deployed on the same JBossWeb instance. (CVE-2009-0783)

Warning: before applying this update, please back up the JBEAP
โ€œserver/[configuration]/deploy/โ€ directory, and any other customized
configuration files.

All users of JBEAP 4.3 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 are advised to upgrade
to these updated packages.