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HistoryDec 09, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2009:1649) Moderate: JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3.0.CP07 update


0.973 High




JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is the market leading platform for
innovative and scalable Java applications; integrating the JBoss
Application Server, with JBoss Hibernate and JBoss Seam into a complete,
simple enterprise solution.

This release of JBEAP for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 serves as a
replacement to JBEAP 4.3.0.CP06.

These updated packages include bug fixes and enhancements which are
detailed in the Release Notes, available shortly from:

The following security issues are also fixed with this release:

A missing check for the recommended minimum length of the truncated form of
HMAC-based XML signatures was found in xml-security. An attacker could use
this flaw to create a specially-crafted XML file that forges an XML
signature, allowing the attacker to bypass authentication that is based on
the XML Signature specification. (CVE-2009-0217)

Swatej Kumar discovered cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws in the JBoss
Application Server Web Console. An attacker could use these flaws to
present misleading data to an authenticated user, or execute arbitrary
scripting code in the context of the authenticated user’s browser session.

A flaw was found in the way the Apache Xerces2 Java Parser processed the
SYSTEM identifier in DTDs. A remote attacker could provide a
specially-crafted XML file, which once parsed by an application using the
Apache Xerces2 Java Parser, would lead to a denial of service (application
hang due to excessive CPU use). (CVE-2009-2625)

An information leak flaw was found in the twiddle command line client. The
JMX password was logged in plain text to “twiddle.log”. (CVE-2009-3554)

An XSS flaw was found in the JMX Console. An attacker could use this flaw
to present misleading data to an authenticated user, or execute arbitrary
scripting code in the context of the authenticated user’s browser session.

Warning: Before applying this update, please backup the JBEAP
“server/[configuration]/deploy/” directory, and any other customized
configuration files.

All users of JBEAP 4.3 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 are advised to upgrade
to these updated packages.