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HistoryMar 25, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2010:0163) Moderate: openssl security update


0.271 Low




OpenSSL is a toolkit that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3)
and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols, as well as a
full-strength, general purpose cryptography library.

A flaw was found in the way the TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security/Secure
Sockets Layer) protocols handled session renegotiation. A man-in-the-middle
attacker could use this flaw to prefix arbitrary plain text to a client’s
session (for example, an HTTPS connection to a website). This could force
the server to process an attacker’s request as if authenticated using the
victim’s credentials. This update addresses this flaw by implementing the
TLS Renegotiation Indication Extension, as defined in RFC 5746.

Refer to the following Knowledgebase article for additional details about
the CVE-2009-3555 flaw:

Dan Kaminsky found that browsers could accept certificates with MD2 hash
signatures, even though MD2 is no longer considered a cryptographically
strong algorithm. This could make it easier for an attacker to create a
malicious certificate that would be treated as trusted by a browser.
OpenSSL now disables the use of the MD2 algorithm inside signatures by
default. (CVE-2009-2409)

An input validation flaw was found in the handling of the BMPString and
UniversalString ASN1 string types in OpenSSL’s ASN1_STRING_print_ex()
function. An attacker could use this flaw to create a specially-crafted
X.509 certificate that could cause applications using the affected function
to crash when printing certificate contents. (CVE-2009-0590)

Note: The affected function is rarely used. No application shipped with Red
Hat Enterprise Linux calls this function, for example.

All OpenSSL users should upgrade to these updated packages, which contain
backported patches to resolve these issues. For the update to take effect,
all services linked to the OpenSSL library must be restarted, or the system