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HistoryOct 07, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2010:0756) Moderate: Red Hat Enterprise MRG Messaging security and bug fix update 1.2.2


0.007 Low




Red Hat Enterprise MRG (Messaging, Realtime and Grid) is a real-time IT
infrastructure for enterprise computing. MRG Messaging implements the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) standard, adding persistence
options, kernel optimizations, and operating system services.

A flaw was found in the way SSL connections to the MRG Messaging broker
were handled. A connection (from a user or client application) to the
broker’s SSL port would prevent the broker from responding to any other
connections on that port, until the first connection’s SSL handshake
completed or failed. A remote user could use this flaw to block connections
from legitimate clients. Note that this issue only affected connections to
the SSL port. The broker does not listen for SSL connections by default.

A flaw was found in the way the MRG Messaging broker handled the receipt of
large persistent messages. If a remote, authenticated user sent a very
large persistent message, the broker could exhaust stack memory, causing
the broker to crash. (CVE-2010-3701)

This update also includes a number of MRG Messaging bug fixes, including
updated qpidc and rhm packages:

  • The Messaging broker failed when first a new durable exchange was
    supplied by a plug-in, and then the broker was restarted. The startup
    sequence has been reordered so that the plug-in modules are loaded before
    the store is recovered. With this update, the new exchange is now
    recognized and recovered successfully and the broker starts up. (BZ#550151)

  • qpid-route could not delete an existing route due to a problem with the
    management object for the bridge. With this update, qpid-route follows the
    normal path. (BZ#560696)

  • Previously, clients connecting over SSL needed to use some other username
    to authenticate themselves to have permission granted via ACLs. This update
    adds the option to use the client identity as authenticated by SSL.

  • New brokers did not see a durable exchange even though it existed in a
    cluster. This update checks for any durable exchanges to be replicated when
    a new broker is added to the cluster. Now, the exchange is visible on the
    new broker. (BZ#601230)

  • Cluster members occasionally failed when a new member was added to a
    cluster with active consumers, because some of the consumer information was
    not being replicated to new members joining a cluster. With this update,
    the missing information is replicated to new members when joining a
    cluster. (BZ#601236)

  • Performance decreased when reading messages from a queue sequentially
    without taking them off the queue. With this update, the algorithm for
    traversing through messages has been changed, and the next message is found
    more quickly, even for large queues. (BZ#611907)

  • Wire level protocol violation or segmentation faults occurred when adding
    tags due to possible modification of the message concurrent with its
    encoding. This update clones messages before adding tags to prevent
    concurrent modification as they are being delivered and encoded.

All Red Hat Enterprise MRG users are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which correct these issues. After installing the updated
packages, the qpidd service must be restarted (“service qpidd restart”) for
this update to take effect.

0.007 Low




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