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HistoryJul 21, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2011:1073) Low: bash security, bug fix, and enhancement update


0.0004 Low




Bash is the default shell for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

It was found that certain scripts bundled with the Bash documentation
created temporary files in an insecure way. A malicious, local user could
use this flaw to conduct a symbolic link attack, allowing them to overwrite
the contents of arbitrary files accessible to the victim running the
scripts. (CVE-2008-5374)

This update fixes the following bugs:

  • When using the source builtin at location “.”, occasionally, bash
    opted to preserve internal consistency and abort scripts. This caused
    bash to abort scripts that assigned values to read-only variables.
    This is now fixed to ensure that such scripts are now executed as
    written and not aborted. (BZ#448508)

  • When the tab key was pressed for auto-completion options for the typed
    text, the cursor moved to an unexpected position on a previous line if
    the prompt contained characters that cannot be viewed and a “]”. This
    is now fixed to retain the cursor at the expected position at the end of
    the target line after autocomplete options correctly display. (BZ#463880)

  • Bash attempted to interpret the NOBITS .dynamic section of the ELF
    header. This resulted in a “^D: bad ELF interpreter: No such
    file or directory” message. This is fixed to ensure that the invalid
    “^D” does not appear in the error message. (BZ#484809)

  • The $RANDOM variable in Bash carried over values from a previous
    execution for later jobs. This is fixed and the $RANDOM variable
    generates a new random number for each use. (BZ#492908)

  • When Bash ran a shell script with an embedded null character, bash’s
    source builtin parsed the script incorrectly. This is fixed and
    bash’s source builtin correctly parses shell script null characters.

  • The bash manual page for “trap” did not mention that signals ignored upon
    entry cannot be listed later. The manual page was updated for this update
    and now specifically notes that “Signals ignored upon entry to the shell
    cannot be trapped, reset or listed”. (BZ#504904)

  • Bash’s readline incorrectly displayed additional text when resizing
    the terminal window when text spanned more than one line, which caused
    incorrect display output. This is now fixed to ensure that text in more
    than one line in a resized window displays as expected. (BZ#525474)

  • Previously, bash incorrectly displayed “Broken pipe” messages for
    builtins like “echo” and “printf” when output did not succeed due to
    EPIPE. This is fixed to ensure that the unnecessary “Broken pipe”
    messages no longer display. (BZ#546529)

  • Inserts with the repeat function were not possible after a deletion in
    vi-mode. This has been corrected and, with this update, the repeat function
    works as expected after a deletion. (BZ#575076)

  • In some situations, bash incorrectly appended “/” to files instead of
    just directories during tab-completion, causing incorrect
    auto-completions. This is fixed and auto-complete appends “/” only to
    directories. (BZ#583919)

  • Bash had a memory leak in the “read” builtin when the number of fields
    being read was not equal to the number of variables passed as arguments,
    causing a shell script crash. This is fixed to prevent a memory leak and
    shell script crash. (BZ#618393)

  • /usr/share/doc/bash-3.2/loadables in the bash package contained source
    files which would not build due to missing C header files. With this
    update, the unusable (and unbuildable) source files were removed from the
    package. (BZ#663656)

This update also adds the following enhancement:

  • The system-wide “/etc/bash.bash_logout” bash logout file is now enabled.
    This allows administrators to write system-wide logout actions for all
    users. (BZ#592979)

Users of bash are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which
contains backported patches to resolve these issues and add this