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HistoryJul 05, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2012:1058) Moderate: resteasy security update


0.004 Low




RESTEasy provides various frameworks to help you build RESTful web services
and RESTful Java applications.

It was found that RESTEasy was vulnerable to XML External Entity (XXE)
attacks. If a remote attacker submitted a request containing an external
XML entity to a RESTEasy endpoint, the entity would be resolved, allowing
the attacker to read files accessible to the user running the application
server. This flaw affected DOM (Document Object Model) Document and JAXB
(Java Architecture for XML Binding) input. (CVE-2012-0818)

Note: The fix for CVE-2012-0818 is not enabled by default. This update adds
a new configuration option to disable entity expansion in RESTEasy. If
applications on your server expose RESTEasy XML endpoints, a
resteasy.document.expand.entity.references configuration snippet must be
added to their web.xml file to disable entity expansion in RESTEasy. Refer
to Red Hat Bugzilla bug 785631 for details.

Warning: Before applying this update, back up your JBoss Enterprise Web
Platform’s “jboss-as-web/server/[PROFILE]/deploy/” directory and any other
customized configuration files.

Users of JBoss Enterprise Web Platform 5.1.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4,
5, and 6 should upgrade to these updated packages, which correct this
issue. The JBoss server process must be restarted for this update to take