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HistoryAug 20, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2012:1180) Moderate: gimp security update


0.027 Low




The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is an image composition and
editing program.

An integer overflow flaw, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow, was
found in the GIMP’s GIF image format plug-in. An attacker could create a
specially-crafted GIF image file that, when opened, could cause the GIF
plug-in to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the user running the GIMP. (CVE-2012-3481)

A heap-based buffer overflow flaw was found in the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)
decompression algorithm implementation used by the GIMP’s GIF image format
plug-in. An attacker could create a specially-crafted GIF image file that,
when opened, could cause the GIF plug-in to crash or, potentially, execute
arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the GIMP.

A heap-based buffer overflow flaw was found in the GIMP’s KiSS CEL file
format plug-in. An attacker could create a specially-crafted KiSS palette
file that, when opened, could cause the CEL plug-in to crash or,
potentially, execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running
the GIMP. (CVE-2012-3403)

Red Hat would like to thank Matthias Weckbecker of the SUSE Security Team
for reporting the CVE-2012-3481 issue.

Users of the GIMP are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
contain backported patches to correct these issues. The GIMP must be
restarted for the update to take effect.