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HistoryFeb 13, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2013:0258) Important: JBoss Enterprise Web Platform 5.2.0 security update






The Enterprise Web Platform is a slimmed down profile of the JBoss
Enterprise Application Platform intended for mid-size workloads with light
and rich Java applications.

If web services were deployed using Apache CXF with the WSS4JInInterceptor
enabled to apply WS-Security processing, HTTP GET requests to these
services were always granted access, without applying authentication
checks. The URIMappingInterceptor is a legacy mechanism for allowing
REST-like access (via GET requests) to simple SOAP services. A remote
attacker could use this flaw to access the REST-like interface of a simple
SOAP service using GET requests that bypass the security constraints
applied by WSS4JInInterceptor. This flaw was only exploitable if
WSS4JInInterceptor was used to apply WS-Security processing. Services that
use WS-SecurityPolicy to apply security were not affected. (CVE-2012-5633)

It was found that Apache CXF was vulnerable to SOAPAction spoofing attacks
under certain conditions. If web services were exposed via Apache CXF that
use a unique SOAPAction for each service operation, then a remote attacker
could perform SOAPAction spoofing to call a forbidden operation if it
accepts the same parameters as an allowed operation. WS-Policy validation
was performed against the operation being invoked, and an attack must pass
validation to be successful. (CVE-2012-3451)

Note that the CVE-2012-3451 and CVE-2012-5633 issues only affected
environments that have JBoss Web Services CXF installed.

Red Hat would like to thank the Apache CXF project for reporting

Warning: Before applying this update, back up your existing JBoss
Enterprise Web Platform installation (including all applications
and configuration files).

All users of JBoss Enterprise Web Platform 5.2.0 as provided from the Red
Hat Customer Portal are advised to apply this update.