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HistoryJun 27, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2013:0995) Important: Foreman security and bug fix update






The Foreman packages provide facilities for rapidly deploying Red Hat
OpenStack 3.0 (“Grizzly”) Preview. These packages are provided as a
Technology Preview. For more information on the scope and nature of support
for items marked as Technology Preview, refer to

A flaw was found in the create method of the Foreman Bookmarks controller.
A user with privileges to create a bookmark could use this flaw to execute
arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running Foreman, giving them
control of the system running Foreman (such as installing new packages) and
all systems managed by Foreman. (CVE-2013-2121)

A flaw was found in the way the Foreman UsersController controller handled
user creation. A non-admin user with privileges to create non-admin
accounts could use this flaw to create admin accounts, giving them control
of the system running Foreman (such as installing new packages) and all
systems managed by Foreman. (CVE-2013-2113)

These issues were discovered by Ramon de C Valle of the Red Hat Product
Security Team.

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • The cron job for Puppet had an incorrect path when installed via the
    Foreman installer. (BZ#969531)

  • This update removes provisioning templates and installation media for
    unsupported client operating systems. (BZ#971545)

  • Previously, the init script for Foreman was installed in the /opt/
    directory, resulting in errors when attempting to use the “service”
    command to control Foreman, and errors when installing or upgrading the
    Foreman packages. As the Foreman service is not needed for Red Hat
    OpenStack, this update removes the init script. (BZ#972755)

  • Previously, after using Foreman to install controller and compute nodes,
    it was not possible to launch compute instances. (BZ#972780)

  • Previously, Foreman compiled assets for an incorrect path. The assets
    were configured for “[fully qualified domain name]/foreman”, which is not
    where Foreman is served from in Red Hat OpenStack. (BZ#975068)

  • Previously, the Foreman installer used a reference to an OpenStack
    host’s network interface instead of its own secondary interface when
    creating a subnet, which could cause subnet creation to fail and a “rake
    aborted!” message to be displayed. (BZ#976907)

Users of Foreman are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
correct these issues. In Red Hat OpenStack, Foreman runs on the Apache HTTP
Server using mod_passenger. As such, after installing the updated packages,
the httpd service must be restarted (“service httpd restart”) for this
update to take effect.