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HistoryDec 17, 2013 - 6:29 p.m.

(RHSA-2013:1853) Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Operations Network 3.2.0 update


0.005 Low




Red Hat JBoss Operations Network is a middleware management solution that
provides a single point of control to deploy, manage, and monitor JBoss
Enterprise Middleware, applications, and services.

This JBoss Operations Network 3.2.0 release serves as a replacement for
JBoss Operations Network 3.1.2, and includes several bug fixes. Refer to
the JBoss Operations Network 3.2.0 Release Notes for information on the
most significant of these changes. The Release Notes will be available
shortly from

The following security issues are also fixed with this release:

It was found that sending a request without a session identifier to a
protected resource could bypass the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
prevention filter. A remote attacker could use this flaw to perform CSRF
attacks against applications that rely on the CSRF prevention filter and do
not contain internal mitigation for CSRF. (CVE-2012-4431)

The Jakarta Commons HttpClient component did not verify that the server
hostname matched the domain name in the subject’s Common Name (CN) or
subjectAltName field in X.509 certificates. This could allow a
man-in-the-middle attacker to spoof an SSL server if they had a certificate
that was valid for any domain name. (CVE-2012-5783)

A flaw was found in the way Apache Santuario XML Security for Java
validated XML signatures. Santuario allowed a signature to specify an
arbitrary canonicalization algorithm, which would be applied to the
SignedInfo XML fragment. A remote attacker could exploit this to spoof an
XML signature via a specially crafted XML signature block. (CVE-2013-2172)

Warning: Before applying the update, back up your existing JBoss Operations
Network installation (including its databases, applications, configuration
files, the JBoss Operations Network server’s file system directory, and so

All users of JBoss Operations Network 3.1.2 as provided from the Red Hat
Customer Portal are advised to upgrade to JBoss Operations Network 3.2.0.