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HistoryJan 15, 2014 - 5:38 p.m.

(RHSA-2014:0029) Important: Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.0 update


0.528 Medium




Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is a distributed in-memory data grid, based on

This release of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.0 serves as a replacement for
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.1.0. It includes various bug fixes and
enhancements which are detailed in the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.0
Release Notes. The Release Notes will be available shortly from

This update also fixes the following security issues:

Multiple path traversal flaws where found in the Mojarra JSF2
implementation for identifying resources by name or by library.
An unauthenticated, remote attacker could use these flaws to gather
otherwise undisclosed information from within an application’s root
directory. (CVE-2013-3827)

It was found that the SolrResourceLoader class in Apache Solr allowed
loading of resources via absolute paths, or relative paths which were not
sanitized for directory traversal. Some Solr components expose REST
interfaces which load resources (XSL style sheets and Velocity templates)
via SolrResourceLoader, using paths identified by REST parameters. A remote
attacker could use this flaw to load arbitrary local files on the server
via SolrResourceLoader, potentially resulting in information disclosure or
remote code execution. (CVE-2013-6397)

It was found that the XML and XSLT UpdateRequestHandler classes in Apache
Solr would resolve external entities, allowing an attacker to conduct XML
External Entity (XXE) attacks. A remote attacker could use this flaw to
read files accessible to the user running the application server, and
potentially perform other more advanced XXE attacks. (CVE-2012-6612,

It was found that the DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler class in Apache Solr
would resolve external entities, allowing an attacker to conduct XXE
attacks. A remote attacker could use this flaw to read files accessible to
the user running the application server, and potentially perform other more
advanced XXE attacks. (CVE-2013-6408)

The data file used by PicketBox Vault to store encrypted passwords contains
a copy of its own admin key. The file is encrypted using only this admin
key, not the corresponding JKS key. A local attacker with permission to
read the vault data file could read the admin key from the file.

The HawtJNI Library class wrote native libraries to a predictable file name
in /tmp/ when the native libraries were bundled in a JAR file, and no
custom library path was specified. A local attacker could overwrite these
native libraries with malicious versions during the window between when
HawtJNI writes them and when they are executed. (CVE-2013-2035)

A flaw was found in JGroup’s DiagnosticsHandler that allowed an attacker on
an adjacent network to reuse the credentials from a previous successful
authentication. This could be exploited to read diagnostic information
(information disclosure) and attain limited remote code execution.

Note that CVE-2013-6397, CVE-2013-6407, and CVE-2013-6408 are not exposed
by default. They are only exploitable if a user has manually exposed
servlets provided in the Apachr Solr component that ships with Red Hat
JBoss Data Grid, or written their own code that makes use of the vulnerable
elements of Apache Solr.

The CVE-2013-2035 issue was discovered by Florian Weimer of the Red Hat
Product Security Team.

All users of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.1.0 as provided from the Red Hat
Customer Portal are advised to upgrade to Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.0.