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HistoryMar 05, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2014:0254) Important: activemq security update


0.937 High




Apache ActiveMQ provides a SOA infrastructure to connect processes across
heterogeneous systems.

A flaw was found in Apache Camel’s parsing of the FILE_NAME header.
A remote attacker able to submit messages to a Camel route, which would
write the provided message to a file, could provide expression language
(EL) expressions in the FILE_NAME header, which would be evaluated on the
server. This could lead to arbitrary remote code execution in the context
of the Camel server process. (CVE-2013-4330)

It was found that the Apache Camel XSLT component allowed XSL stylesheets
to call external Java methods. A remote attacker able to submit messages to
a Camel route could use this flaw to perform arbitrary remote code
execution in the context of the Camel server process. (CVE-2014-0003)

It was discovered that the Spring OXM wrapper did not expose any property
for disabling entity resolution when using the JAXB unmarshaller. A remote
attacker could use this flaw to conduct XML External Entity (XXE) attacks
on web sites, and read files in the context of the user running the
application server. The patch for this flaw disables external entity
processing by default, and provides a configuration directive to re-enable
it. (CVE-2013-4152)

The HawtJNI Library class wrote native libraries to a predictable file name
in /tmp/ when the native libraries were bundled in a JAR file, and no
custom library path was specified. A local attacker could overwrite these
native libraries with malicious versions during the window between when
HawtJNI writes them and when they are executed. (CVE-2013-2035)

The CVE-2013-2035 issue was discovered by Florian Weimer of the Red Hat
Product Security Team, and the CVE-2014-0003 issue was discovered by David
Jorm of the Red Hat Security Response Team.

All users of Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise 1.2.7 are advised to upgrade to
this updated package, which corrects these issues.