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HistoryJul 16, 2014 - 5:02 p.m.

(RHSA-2014:0895) Moderate: Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.3.0 update


0.038 Low




Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is a distributed in-memory data grid, based on

This release of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.3.0 serves as a replacement for
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.1. It includes various bug fixes and
enhancements which are detailed in the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.3.0
Release Notes. The Release Notes will be available shortly from

This update also fixes the following security issues:

It was discovered that JBoss Web did not limit the length of chunk sizes
when using chunked transfer encoding. A remote attacker could use this flaw
to perform a denial of service attack against JBoss Web by streaming an
unlimited quantity of data, leading to excessive consumption of server
resources. (CVE-2014-0075)

It was found that JBoss Web did not check for overflowing values when
parsing request content length headers. A remote attacker could use this
flaw to perform an HTTP request smuggling attack on a JBoss Web server
located behind a reverse proxy that processed the content length header
correctly. (CVE-2014-0099)

It was found that the security audit functionality, provided by Red Hat
JBoss Data Grid, logged request parameters in plain text. This may have
caused passwords to be included in the audit log files when using BASIC or
FORM-based authentication. A local attacker with access to audit log files
could possibly use this flaw to obtain application or server authentication
credentials. Refer to the Solution section of this advisory for additional
information on the fix for this issue. (CVE-2014-0058)

It was found that the security auditing functionality provided by PicketBox
and JBossSX, both security frameworks for Java applications, used a
world-readable audit.log file to record sensitive information. A local user
could possibly use this flaw to gain access to the sensitive information in
the audit.log file. (CVE-2014-0059)

It was found that the org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet
implementation in JBoss Web allowed the definition of XML External Entities
(XXEs) in provided XSLTs. A malicious application could use this to
circumvent intended security restrictions to disclose sensitive
information. (CVE-2014-0096)

It was found that, in certain circumstances, it was possible for a
malicious web application to replace the XML parsers used by JBoss Web to
process XSLTs for the default servlet, JSP documents, tag library
descriptors (TLDs), and tag plug-in configuration files. The injected XML
parser(s) could then bypass the limits imposed on XML external entities
and/or gain access to the XML files processed for other web applications
deployed on the same JBoss Web instance. (CVE-2014-0119)

The CVE-2014-0075 issue was discovered by David Jorm of Red Hat Product

All users of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2.1 as provided from the Red Hat
Customer Portal are advised to upgrade to Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.3.0.