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HistoryOct 09, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2014:1369) Important: Fuse ESB Enterprise/Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.1.0 update


0.006 Low




Fuse ESB Enterprise is an integration platform based on Apache ServiceMix.
Fuse MQ Enterprise, based on Apache ActiveMQ, is a standards-compliant
messaging system that is tailored for use in mission critical applications.

This release of Fuse ESB Enterprise/MQ Enterprise 7.1.0 R1 P6 is an update
to Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0 and Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.1.0. The following
security issues are addressed with this release:

It was discovered that Apache Shiro authenticated users without specifying
a user name or a password when used in conjunction with an LDAP back end
that allowed unauthenticated binds. (CVE-2014-0074)

It was found that the secure processing feature of Xalan-Java had
insufficient restrictions defined for certain properties and features.
A remote attacker able to provide Extensible Stylesheet Language
Transformations (XSLT) content to be processed by an application using
Xalan-Java could use this flaw to bypass the intended constraints of the
secure processing feature. Depending on the components available in the
classpath, this could lead to arbitrary remote code execution in the
context of the application server running the application that uses
Xalan-Java. (CVE-2014-0107)

A flaw was found in the way Apache Santuario XML Security for Java
validated XML signatures. Santuario allowed a signature to specify an
arbitrary canonicalization algorithm, which would be applied to the
SignedInfo XML fragment. A remote attacker could exploit this to spoof an
XML signature via a specially crafted XML signature block. (CVE-2013-2172)

All users of Fuse ESB Enterprise/MQ Enterprise 7.1.0 as provided from the
Red Hat Customer Portal are advised to upgrade to Fuse ESB Enterprise/MQ
Enterprise 7.1.0 R1 P6.