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HistoryMar 19, 2015 - 4:56 p.m.

(RHSA-2015:0707) Moderate: qpid security and bug fix update


0.949 High




Red Hat Enterprise MRG is a next-generation IT infrastructure incorporating
Messaging, Real Time, and Grid functionality. It offers increased
performance, reliability, interoperability, and faster computing for
enterprise customers.

MRG Messaging is a high-speed reliable messaging distribution for Linux
based on AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), an open protocol
standard for enterprise messaging that is designed to make mission critical
messaging widely available as a standard service, and to make enterprise
messaging interoperable across platforms, programming languages, and

MRG Messaging includes AMQP messaging broker; AMQP client libraries for
C++, Java JMS, and Python; as well as persistence libraries and
management tools.

It was discovered that the Qpid daemon (qpidd) did not restrict access to
anonymous users when the ANONYMOUS mechanism was disallowed.

A flaw was found in the way the Qpid daemon (qpidd) processed certain
protocol sequences. An unauthenticated attacker able to send a specially
crafted protocol sequence set that could use this flaw to crash qpidd.
(CVE-2015-0203, CVE-2015-0224)

Red Hat would like to thank the Apache Software Foundation for reporting
the CVE-2015-0203 issue. Upstream acknowledges G. Geshev from MWR Labs as
the original reporter.

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Previously, the neutron messaging client rewrote (by method of
    “monkey-patching”) the python selector module to support eventlet
    threading. The rewritten client did not update select.poll() during this
    process, which is used by qpid-python to manage I/O. This resulted in
    poll() deadlocks and neutron server hangs. The fix introduces updates to
    the python-qpid library that avoid calling poll() if eventlet threading is
    detected. Instead, the eventlet-aware select() is called, which prevents
    deadlocks from occurring and corrects the originally reported issue.

  • It was discovered that the QPID Broker aborted with an uncaught
    UnknownExchangeTypeException when the client attempted to request an
    unsupported exchange type. The code for the Exchange Registry and Node
    Policy has been improved to prevent this issue from happening again.

Users of the Messaging capabilities of Red Hat Enterprise MRG 3, which is
layered on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, are advised to upgrade to these
updated packages, which correct these issues.