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HistoryJun 04, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2015:1064) Moderate: python27 security, bug fix, and enhancement update


0.53 Medium




Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
that supports modules, classes, exceptions, high-level dynamic data types,
and dynamic typing. The python27 collection provide a stable release of
Python 2.7 with a number of additional utilities and database connectors
for MySQL and PostgreSQL.

The python27-python packages have been upgraded to upstream version 2.7.8,
which provides numerous bug fixes over the previous version. (BZ#1167912)

The following security issues were fixed in the python27-python component:

It was discovered that the socket.recvfrom_into() function failed to check
the size of the supplied buffer. This could lead to a buffer overflow when
the function was called with an insufficiently sized buffer.

It was discovered that the Python xmlrpclib module did not restrict the
size of gzip-compressed HTTP responses. A malicious XMLRPC server could
cause an XMLRPC client using xmlrpclib to consume an excessive amount of
memory. (CVE-2013-1753)

It was discovered that multiple Python standard library modules
implementing network protocols (such as httplib or smtplib) failed to
restrict the sizes of server responses. A malicious server could cause a
client using one of the affected modules to consume an excessive amount of
memory. (CVE-2013-1752)

It was discovered that the CGIHTTPServer module incorrectly handled URL
encoded paths. A remote attacker could use this flaw to execute scripts
outside of the cgi-bin directory, or disclose the source code of the
scripts in the cgi-bin directory. (CVE-2014-4650)

An integer overflow flaw was found in the way the buffer() function handled
its offset and size arguments. An attacker able to control these arguments
could use this flaw to disclose portions of the application memory or cause
it to crash. (CVE-2014-7185)

The following security issue was fixed in the python27-python and
python27-python-simplejson components:

A flaw was found in the way the json module handled negative index
arguments passed to certain functions (such as raw_decode()). An attacker
able to control the index value passed to one of the affected functions
could possibly use this flaw to disclose portions of the application
memory. (CVE-2014-4616)

In addition, this update adds the following enhancement:

  • The python27 Software Collection now includes the python-wheel and
    python-pip modules. (BZ#994189, BZ#1167902)

All python27 users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
correct these issues and add these enhancements. All running python27
instances must be restarted for this update to take effect.