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HistoryAug 24, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2015:1666) Moderate: httpd24-httpd security update


0.062 Low




The httpd packages provide the Apache HTTP Server, a powerful, efficient,
and extensible web server.

Multiple flaws were found in the way httpd parsed HTTP requests and
responses using chunked transfer encoding. A remote attacker could use
these flaws to create a specially crafted request, which httpd would decode
differently from an HTTP proxy software in front of it, possibly leading to
HTTP request smuggling attacks. (CVE-2015-3183)

It was discovered that in httpd 2.4, the internal API function
ap_some_auth_required() could incorrectly indicate that a request was
authenticated even when no authentication was used. An httpd module using
this API function could consequently allow access that should have been
denied. (CVE-2015-3185)

Note: This update introduces new a new API function,
ap_some_authn_required(), which correctly indicates if a request is
authenticated. External httpd modules using the old API function should be
modified to use the new one to completely resolve this issue.

A denial of service flaw was found in the way the mod_lua httpd module
processed certain WebSocket Ping requests. A remote attacker could send a
specially crafted WebSocket Ping packet that would cause the httpd child
process to crash. (CVE-2015-0228)

A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in the way httpd generated
certain error responses. A remote attacker could possibly use this flaw to
crash the httpd child process using a request that triggers a certain HTTP
error. (CVE-2015-0253)

All httpd24-httpd users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages,
which contain backported patches to correct these issues. After installing
the updated packages, the httpd24-httpd service will be restarted