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HistorySep 30, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2015:1844) Important: Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise 2.2.7 security, bug fix and enhancement update






OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat is the company’s cloud computing
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution designed for on-premise or
private cloud deployments.

Space precludes documenting all of the bug fixes in this advisory.
See the OpenShift Enterprise Technical Notes, which will be updated
shortly for release 2.2.7, for details about these changes. The
following security issues are addressed in this release:

A flaw was found in the Jenkins API token-issuing service. The
service was not properly protected against anonymous users,
potentially allowing remote attackers to escalate privileges.

It was found that the combination filter Groovy script could allow
a remote attacker to potentially execute arbitrary code on a
Jenkins master. (CVE-2015-1806)

It was found that when building artifacts, the Jenkins server would
follow symbolic links, potentially resulting in disclosure of
information on the server. (CVE-2015-1807)

A denial of service flaw was found in the way Jenkins handled
certain update center data. An authenticated user could provide
specially crafted update center data to Jenkins, causing plug-in
and tool installation to not work properly. (CVE-2015-1808)

It was found that Jenkins’ XPath handling allowed XML External
Entity (XXE) expansion. A remote attacker with read access could
use this flaw to read arbitrary XML files on the Jenkins server.

It was discovered that the internal Jenkins user database did not
restrict access to reserved names, allowing users to escalate
privileges. (CVE-2015-1810)

It was found that Jenkins’ XML handling allowed XML External Entity
(XXE) expansion. A remote attacker with the ability to pass XML
data to Jenkins could use this flaw to read arbitrary XML files on
the Jenkins server. (CVE-2015-1811)

Two cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws were found in Jenkins. A
remote attacker could use these flaws to conduct XSS attacks
against users of an application using Jenkins. (CVE-2015-1812,
All OpenShift Enterprise 2 users are advised to upgrade to these
updated packages.