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HistoryNov 03, 2016 - 6:07 a.m.

(RHSA-2016:2598) Moderate: php security and bug fix update


0.242 Low




PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language commonly used with the Apache HTTP Server.

Security Fix(es):

  • A flaw was found in the way certain error conditions were handled by bzread() function in PHP. An attacker could use this flaw to upload a specially crafted bz2 archive which, when parsed via the vulnerable function, could cause the application to crash or execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the user running the PHP application. (CVE-2016-5399)

  • An integer overflow flaw, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow was found in the imagecreatefromgd2() function of PHP’s gd extension. A remote attacker could use this flaw to crash a PHP application or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running that PHP application using gd via a specially crafted GD2 image. (CVE-2016-5766)

  • An integer overflow flaw, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow was found in the gdImagePaletteToTrueColor() function of PHP’s gd extension. A remote attacker could use this flaw to crash a PHP application or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running that PHP application using gd via a specially crafted image buffer. (CVE-2016-5767)

  • A double free flaw was found in the mb_ereg_replace_callback() function of php which is used to perform regex search. This flaw could possibly cause a PHP application to crash. (CVE-2016-5768)

Red Hat would like to thank Hans Jerry Illikainen for reporting CVE-2016-5399.

Additional Changes:

For detailed information on changes in this release, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 Release Notes linked from the References section.