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HistoryMar 22, 2017 - 5:02 p.m.

(RHSA-2017:0829) Important: jboss-ec2-eap security, bug fix, and enhancement update


0.065 Low




The jboss-ec2-eap packages provide scripts for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform running on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

With this update, the jboss-ec2-eap package has been updated to ensure compatibility with Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.4.14.

Security Fix(es):

  • It was discovered that EAP packages in certain versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux use incorrect permissions for /etc/sysconfig/jbossas configuration files. The file is writable to jboss group (root:jboss, 664). On systems using classic /etc/init.d init scripts (i.e. on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and earlier), the file is sourced by the jboss init script and its content executed with root privileges when jboss service is started, stopped, or restarted. (CVE-2016-8657)

  • It was discovered that a programming error in the processing of HTTPS requests in the Apache Tomcat servlet and JSP engine may result in denial of service via an infinite loop. (CVE-2017-6056)

  • It was found that GZIPInterceptor is enabled when not necessarily required in RESTEasy. An attacker could use this flaw to launch a Denial of Service attack. (CVE-2016-6346)

Red Hat would like to thank Mikhail Egorov (Odin) for reporting the
CVE-2016-6346 issue.