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HistoryJul 25, 2017 - 5:45 p.m.

(RHSA-2017:1802) Important: Red Hat JBoss Web Server Service Pack 1 security update


0.874 High




Red Hat JBoss Web Server is a fully integrated and certified set of components for hosting Java web applications. It is comprised of the Apache HTTP Server, the Apache Tomcat Servlet container, Apache Tomcat Connector (mod_jk), JBoss HTTP Connector (mod_cluster), Hibernate, and the Tomcat Native library.

This release of Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3.1 Service Pack 1 serves as a replacement for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 3.1, and includes bug fixes, which are documented in the Release Notes document linked to in the References.

Security Fix(es):

  • It was found that when using remote logging with log4j socket server the log4j server would deserialize any log event received via TCP or UDP. An attacker could use this flaw to send a specially crafted log event that, during deserialization, would execute arbitrary code in the context of the logger application. (CVE-2017-5645)

  • A vulnerability was discovered in tomcat’s handling of pipelined requests when “Sendfile” was used. If sendfile processing completed quickly, it was possible for the Processor to be added to the processor cache twice. This could lead to invalid responses or information disclosure. (CVE-2017-5647)

  • A vulnerability was discovered in the error page mechanism in Tomcat’s DefaultServlet implementation. A crafted HTTP request could cause undesired side effects, possibly including the removal or replacement of the custom error page. (CVE-2017-5664)

  • A vulnerability was discovered in tomcat. When running an untrusted application under a SecurityManager it was possible, under some circumstances, for that application to retain references to the request or response objects and thereby access and/or modify information associated with another web application. (CVE-2017-5648)