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HistoryApr 28, 2020 - 9:30 a.m.

(RHSA-2020:1916) Moderate: python-pip security update


0.01 Low




pip is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. Many packages can be found in the Python Package Index (PyPI). pip is a recursive acronym that can stand for either “Pip Installs Packages” or “Pip Installs Python”.

Security Fix(es):

  • python-urllib3: Cross-host redirect does not remove Authorization header allow for credential exposure (CVE-2018-20060)

  • python-urllib3: CRLF injection due to not encoding the ‘\r\n’ sequence leading to possible attack on internal service (CVE-2019-11236)

  • python-urllib3: Certification mishandle when error should be thrown (CVE-2019-11324)

  • python-requests: Redirect from HTTPS to HTTP does not remove Authorization header (CVE-2018-18074)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

Additional Changes:

For detailed information on changes in this release, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Release Notes linked from the References section.