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HistoryNov 05, 2020 - 6:43 p.m.

(RHSA-2020:4960) Moderate: Red Hat Decision Manager 7.9.0 security update


0.007 Low




Red Hat Decision Manager is an open source decision management platform that combines business rules management, complex event processing, Decision Model & Notation (DMN) execution, and Business Optimizer for solving planning problems. It automates business decisions and makes that logic available to the entire business.

This release of Red Hat Decision Manager 7.9.0 serves as an update to Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8.1, and includes bug fixes and enhancements, which are documented in the Release Notes document linked to in the References.

Security Fix(es):

  • hibernate: SQL injection issue in Hibernate ORM (CVE-2019-14900)

  • batik: SSRF via “xlink:href” (CVE-2019-17566)

  • Wildfly: Improper authorization issue in WildFlySecurityManager when using alternative protection domain (CVE-2020-1748)

  • ant: insecure temporary file vulnerability (CVE-2020-1945)

  • dom4j: XML External Entity vulnerability in default SAX parser (CVE-2020-10683)

  • hibernate-validator: Improper input validation in the interpolation of constraint error messages (CVE-2020-10693)

  • wildfly-elytron: session fixation when using FORM authentication (CVE-2020-10714)

  • cxf: JMX integration is vulnerable to a MITM attack (CVE-2020-1954)

  • mysql-connector-java: allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors which could result in unauthorized update, insert or delete (CVE-2020-2875)

  • mysql-connector-java: allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors which could result in unauthorized partial DoS (CVE-2020-2933)

  • mysql-connector-java: allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors which could result in unauthorized update, insert or delete (CVE-2020-2934)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.