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HistoryMar 03, 2021 - 12:05 p.m.

(RHSA-2021:0637) Important: OpenShift Container Platform 3.11.394 bug fix and security update


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Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat’s cloud computing
Kubernetes application platform solution designed for on-premise or private
cloud deployments.

Security Fix(es):

  • jenkins-2-plugins/subversion: XML parser is not preventing XML external entity (XXE) attacks (CVE-2020-2304)

  • jenkins-2-plugins/mercurial: XML parser is not preventing XML external entity (XXE) attacks (CVE-2020-2305)

  • ant: Insecure temporary file vulnerability (CVE-2020-1945)

  • jenkins-2-plugins/mercurial: Missing permission check in an HTTP endpoint could result in information disclosure (CVE-2020-2306)

  • jenkins-2-plugins/kubernetes: Jenkins controller environment variables are accessible in Kubernetes plug-in (CVE-2020-2307)

  • jenkins-2-plugins/kubernetes: Missing permission check in Kubernetes Plugin allows listing pod templates (CVE-2020-2308)

  • jenkins-2-plugins/kubernetes: Missing permission check in Kubernetes plug-in allows enumerating credentials IDs (CVE-2020-2309)

  • ant: Insecure temporary file (CVE-2020-11979)

  • python-rsa: Bleichenbacher timing oracle attack against RSA decryption (CVE-2020-25658)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS
score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE
page(s) listed in the References section.

This advisory contains the RPM packages for Red Hat OpenShift Container
Platform 3.11.394. See the following advisory for the container images for this release:

Space precludes documenting all of the container images in this advisory. See the following Release Notes documentation, which will be updated shortly for this release, for details about these changes:

This update fixes the following bugs among others:

  • Previously, the restart-cluster playbook did not evaluate the defined cluster size for ops clusters. This was causing come clusters to never complete their restart. This bug fix passes the logging ops cluster size, allowing restarts of ops clusters to complete successfully. (BZ#1879407)

  • Previously, the openshift_named_certificates role checked the contents of the ca-bundle.crt file during cluster installation. This caused the check to fail during initial installation because the ca-bundle.crt file is not yet created in that scenario. This bug fix allows the cluster to skip checking the ca-bundle.crt file if it does not exist, resulting in initial installations succeeding. (BZ#1920567)

  • Previously, if the openshift_release attribute was not set in the Ansible inventory file, the nodes of the cluster would fail during an upgrade. This was caused by the cluster_facts.yml file being gathered before the openshift_release attribute was defined by the upgrade playbook. Now the cluster_facts.yml file is gathered after the openshift_version role runs and the openshift_release attribute is set, allowing for successful node upgrades. (BZ#1921353)

All OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages and images.

RedHat7x86_64atomic-enterprise-service-catalog-svcat< 3.11.394-1.git.1675.fdb6e0b.el7atomic-enterprise-service-catalog-svcat-3.11.394-1.git.1675.fdb6e0b.el7.x86_64.rpm
RedHat7noarchopenshift-ansible-test< 3.11.394-6.git.0.47ec25d.el7openshift-ansible-test-3.11.394-6.git.0.47ec25d.el7.noarch.rpm
RedHat7ppc64leprometheus-alertmanager< 3.11.394-1.git.0.1fbb64c.el7prometheus-alertmanager-3.11.394-1.git.0.1fbb64c.el7.ppc64le.rpm
RedHat7ppc64leopenshift-enterprise-autoheal< 3.11.394-1.git.218.59eb597.el7openshift-enterprise-autoheal-3.11.394-1.git.218.59eb597.el7.ppc64le.rpm
RedHat7noarchopenshift-kuryr-controller< 3.11.394-1.git.1490.16ed375.el7openshift-kuryr-controller-3.11.394-1.git.1490.16ed375.el7.noarch.rpm
RedHat7x86_64atomic-openshift-template-service-broker< 3.11.394-1.git.0.e03a88e.el7atomic-openshift-template-service-broker-3.11.394-1.git.0.e03a88e.el7.x86_64.rpm
RedHat7x86_64openshift-enterprise-cluster-capacity< 3.11.394-1.git.379.92adfdc.el7openshift-enterprise-cluster-capacity-3.11.394-1.git.379.92adfdc.el7.x86_64.rpm
RedHat7x86_64atomic-openshift-descheduler< 3.11.394-1.git.299.ad3a3c0.el7atomic-openshift-descheduler-3.11.394-1.git.299.ad3a3c0.el7.x86_64.rpm
RedHat7ppc64leatomic-openshift-clients< 3.11.394-1.git.0.e03a88e.el7atomic-openshift-clients-3.11.394-1.git.0.e03a88e.el7.ppc64le.rpm
RedHat7ppc64leatomic-openshift-descheduler< 3.11.394-1.git.299.ad3a3c0.el7atomic-openshift-descheduler-3.11.394-1.git.299.ad3a3c0.el7.ppc64le.rpm
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