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HistoryJul 22, 2021 - 2:07 p.m.

(RHSA-2021:2866) Low: RHV Engine and Host Common Packages security update [ovirt-4.4.7]


0.0005 Low




The ovirt-engine package provides the Red Hat Virtualization Manager, a centralized management platform that allows system administrators to view and manage virtual machines. The Manager provides a comprehensive range of features including search capabilities, resource management, live migrations, and virtual infrastructure provisioning.

The ovirt-ansible-hosted-engine-setup package provides an Ansible role for deploying Red Hat Virtualization Hosted-Engine.

Security Fix(es):

  • ansible: multiple modules expose secured values (CVE-2021-3447)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

Bug Fix(es):

  • Previously, using an Ansible playbook to fetch virtual machine disk information was slow and incomplete, while the REST API fetched the information faster and more completely.
    In this release, the Ansible playbook fetches the information completely and quickly. (BZ#1947902)

  • The ovirt-engine in RHV 4.4.7 requires an Ansible 2.9.z version later than Ansible 2.9.20.
    In addition, in RHV 4.4.7 the version limitation for a specific Ansible version has been removed, the correct Ansible version is now shipped in the RHV subscription channels. (BZ#1966145)