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HistoryAug 10, 2021 - 8:50 a.m.

(RHSA-2021:2983) Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.4 bug fix and security update


0.009 Low




Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat’s cloud computing Kubernetes application platform solution designed for on-premise or private cloud deployments.

This advisory contains the container images for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.4. See the following advisory for the RPM packages for this release:

Space precludes documenting all of the container images in this advisory. See the following Release Notes documentation, which will be updated shortly for this release, for details about these changes:

Security Fix(es):

  • golang: net/http: panic in ReadRequest and ReadResponse when reading a very large header (CVE-2021-31525)

  • golang: net: lookup functions may return invalid host names (CVE-2021-33195)

  • golang: archive/zip: Malformed archive may cause panic or memory exhaustion (CVE-2021-33196)

  • golang: net/http/httputil: ReverseProxy forwards connection headers if first one is empty (CVE-2021-33197)

  • golang: math/big.Rat: may cause a panic or an unrecoverable fatal error if passed inputs with very large exponents (CVE-2021-33198)

  • golang: crypto/tls: certificate of wrong type is causing TLS client to panic (CVE-2021-34558)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

You may download the oc tool and use it to inspect release image metadata as follows:

(For x86_64 architecture)

$ oc adm release info

The image digest is sha256:841535acc09ca8412cd17e8f7702eceda1cac688ccc281278f108675c30de270

(For s390x architecture)

$ oc adm release info

The image digest is sha256:78945f4ccc4c1c7fa57762f49e63b1b0e004a0026f6efa85c0a459c777fcead1

(For ppc64le architecture)

$ oc adm release info

The image digest is sha256:ad3da79ce274c6460a3b50551c54a1eb32562c5a5cec5129cb76c018b8b4dcbb

All OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages and images when they are available in the appropriate release channel. To check for available updates, use the OpenShift Console or the CLI oc command. Instructions for upgrading a cluster are available