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HistoryAug 18, 2021 - 9:50 a.m.

(RHSA-2021:3207) Moderate: Red Hat Integration Camel Quarkus Tech-Preview 2 security update


0.822 High




This release of Red Hat Integration - Camel Quarkus - 1.8.1 tech-preview 2 serves as a replacement for tech-preview 1, and includes bug fixes and enhancements, which are documented in the Release Notes document linked to in the References.

Security Fix(es):

  • cron-utils: template injection allows attackers to inject arbitrary Java EL expressions leading to remote code execution (CVE-2020-26238)

  • californium-core: DTLS - DoS vulnerability for certificate based handshakes (CVE-2020-27222)

  • undertow: special character in query results in server errors (CVE-2020-27782)

  • activemq: improper authentication allows MITM attack (CVE-2020-13920)

  • flink: apache-flink: directory traversal attack allows remote file writing through the REST API (CVE-2020-17518)

  • groovy: OS temporary directory leads to information disclosure (CVE-2020-17521)

  • kubernetes-client: fabric8-kubernetes-client: vulnerable to a path traversal leading to integrity and availability compromise (CVE-2021-20218)

  • kotlin-scripting-jvm: kotlin: vulnerable Java API was used for temporary file and folder creation which could result in information disclosure (CVE-2020-29582)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.